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单词 rehearsal 例句大全,用单词rehearsal造句:

Rehearsal strategy is the last category that correlates with language proficiency.
Erhu master George Gaos ensemble dress rehearsal of the erhu classic Horse Racing.
At a dress rehearsal the actors wear the clothes they will wear in the performance.
Small wedding parties may want to book their rehearsal dinner or reception at Coho.
Florid fireworks of bonfires display Olympic Games opening ceremony dress rehearsal!
The actors were metamorphosed into a living tapestry of color at the dress rehearsal.
Zhangchu had already launched the rehearsal with own orchestra, positive arrangement.
The audience behaved indecorously as if the concert were an informal dress rehearsal.
This mental imagery rehearsal by exorcising the fear and finally dispel the nightmare.
So it happened that they arranged a rehearsal together with a soprano and a synthesizer.
This is only a rehearsal, but already the crowds have gathered outside Buckingham palace.
这只是一个彩排, 但所有人群都聚集在白金汉宫门口。
On several occasions, also appeared in the rehearsal foot cramps, Wei nearly a foot injury.
Everyone who took part in the rehearsal are confused as to the reason why a dud can explode.
Participants will have more practice and rehearsal opportunities to hone their acting skills.
After the special details must wait the rehearsal to end, could make a final decision finally.
Her career, her dream and even the rehearsal of her wedding were taken place in this small room.
Airconditioning in the theater should, upon the arriving and rehearsal of actors, being provided.
自演员下午到达剧场排练时起, 剧场应提供空调。
The first regular rehearsal of the three first acts was certainly to take place in the evening Mrs.
In order to control the crowded people, 200 people were allowed to let into the rehearsal room at a time.
为了控制人流, 排练室每次只能放进200名顾客。
The new cooking oil price cap could be a dress rehearsal for the return of broad commodity price ceilings.
The successful completion of the rehearsal proved the robustness of the contingency arrangements put in place.
演习顺利完成, 证实业界所拟备的应变计划稳健妥当。
He accepts an invitation to speak at Gttingen University, essentially, a dress rehearsal for the Prussian Academy.
他接受了哥廷根大学的邀请发言, 从本质上讲, 这是一
He suggested the possibility of the rehearsal being renewed after tea and he might be at leisure to be amused by it.
The parents of the groom are responsible for hosting the rehearsal dinner, but the groom should be assisting with the whole operation.
Now it emerged early on in the first rehearsal period that one of those white performers had, in his previous incarnation, been a member of the South African police force.
从第一场彩排就出现了问题 一个白人 曾经是 南非一名警察

单词 rehearsal 释义

  • 单词释义:排练,排演;彩排,演习;复述,详述  [更多..]



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