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单词 relax 例句大全,用单词relax造句:

Physical exercise will relieve your anxiety and worry and help you to relax.
And afterwards you can relax with snacks or soft drinks just beside the pool.
然后你可以在池边吃点儿小吃, 喝点儿饮料, 放松一下。
Sauna, steam bath, massage and treatments enable you to relax and revitalize.
Take each foot in both your hands and rotate it to loosen and relax the ankle.
0 pm. On arrival at the blue lagoon you can go swimming, sunbathing and relax.
Aircraft in the field love to run around, worked up quickly, but can not relax.
飞机在情场中东奔西跑, 动情快, 但也放不开。
During diastole, the atria and ventricles of your heart relax and to with blood.
Your ability to generate power is directly proportional to your ability to relax.
Moreover, the viscous effect will also relax the asymmetric deformation of vortices.
The rubbing or kneading of parts of the body to aid circulation or relax the muscles.
Extend each inhale and exhale, inhale deep into your belly, and allow yourself to relax.
And people should relax about itcalm down about it rather than getting overexcited about it.
Learn to breathe, take time and assess your situation and relax before taking your next step.
在进行下一步以前, 学会放松, 抽时间审视自己的处境。
It contains abundant nourishing essence to relax tendon activate blood, care and nourish skin.
An exquisite line of amenities will pamper and relax you as you sit back and enjoy the flight.
Dont worry about replying. Then count on him needing a break from those, and relax. Male, Anon.
Relax amidst original frescoes and sculptured reliefs, graced by sunlight and airy garden vistas.
Implicit discretized methods are adopted to relax the time step restriction allowing large time steps.
在数值差分上采用隐式法, 使模式可采用较大之演算间距。
Relax spirit, pacify nervously and avoiding evil spirits to employ the wealth, relieving anxious mood.
According to psychologists, occasionally dreaming about things that will never happen can relax people.
Meanwhile, the chrysanthemum tea is rich in aroma and refreshing, which also helps to relax and relieve headache.
Postpone aging, nourish the skin, stimulate saliva and reduce thirst, relax muscles and accelerate blood circulation.
It allows me to relax much more, and because of that my game and outlook on everything is more balanced and more mature.
这让我更放松, 因为我的思想更加更熟和平衡了。
Owing to the limited export tax rebate plan, the departments of state taxes shall not relax the examination and approval work.
在出口退税计划有限的情况下, 不放松审核, 审批工作。
A little alcohol every day can help elderly people by stimulating the circulation of the blood and causing the muscles and joints to relax.

单词 relax 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)放松,(使)松弛;放心;放宽  [更多..]



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