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单词 relaxed 例句大全,用单词relaxed造句:

What green flowers and plants gives a person a kind of harp and fife appearance is relaxed.
The stringent rules of evidence applicable in a trial are generally relaxed in arbitration.
I appreciate the people who are humourous, because they can make me feel happy and relaxed.
Cancer is not the way to pursue offensive in nature, his attitude always been very relaxed.
巨蟹座的追求方式是不具有攻击性的, 他的态度始终很和缓。
Autumn meaning gradually thick. Relaxed wind is stepping gentle pace to approach gradually.
But closures, curfews and checkpoints have not been relaxed significantly in the West Bank.
Is willing everybodyjoyfully to step on abundantly, the relaxed work, greatly makes moneyoh!
The less anxious and more relaxed the learner, the better the language acquisition proceeds.
Can contain a lot of electric equipment as far as possible into ambry, let mesa appear relaxed.
You can appraise opportunities in a relaxed way, have time for judicious estimates and decisions.
Talk about the Problem of South old Japanese Bandits and North Mongolia Relaxed in Longqing Epoch
This feature combined with the surrounding landscaping provides a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere.
In addition the vigilance of the enemy was undoubtedly relaxed owing unfavourable phase of the moon.
Through exaggeration, relaxed and optional paintings embody the thoughts and feelings of the author.
通过夸张变形, 轻松随意的绘画体现作者的思想感情。
Use thumb to keep selfs hand on accommodate oneself to but relaxed usage of small switch place button.
Put that another way: his work is relaxed without being slack, affectionate without going sentimental.
How is the suicide the most convenient, the most relaxed and still wont does complicity arrive of other
怎么自杀是最方便, 最轻松而且还不会连累到他人的?
But Looney did not think that sojourns ancient to abdicate the park field to be able to be very relaxed.
An good balance between a too relaxed brain and an overly active brain are both undesirable situations to be in.
The temple, which had a relaxed atmosphere, was situated on the second floor with a modestsized temple room.
If alleged weight lifting is light, heavyweight lovers prattle is the lovers prattle that those very relaxed sounding.
Which is not to say that, even at his most relaxed, Roth will ever be accused of being the extrovert he is on celluloid.
In addition, the rapid clapper section of the melody is vigorous and cheerful, while the tune is relaxed and harmonious.
快板部分旋律活泼欢快, 曲调轻松诙谐。
A second marriage after a divorce, which the English poet, Samuel Johnson once called?? ' the triumph of hope over experience, ' is also a much more relaxed affair.
But because of a loophole in the 1975 fuel-economy law, today's trucks are allowed to meet a more relaxed standard on miles per gallon than cars: 20.7 vs. 27.5 on average.

单词 relaxed 释义

  • 单词释义:(人)轻松的;自在的;无拘无束的;舒适的  [更多..]



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