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单词 relapse 例句大全,用单词relapse造句:

Because puncture does not relapse when this inject, increase thorn to destroy hemal opportunity.
Conclusion The relapse riskfactors of schizophrenia are various and should be calculated and preve
Prof. Dou Does it mean if the patient has sustained virological response that there is no relapse.
Poor insight increases relapse and re-admission to hospital in people with non-affective psychosis.
A study of reformed drug abusers found there were different relapse rates for different individuals.
一项改造吸毒者的研究发现, 复吸率是因人而异的。
It's very easy to have a relapse with this kind of illness, so you have to be exceptionally careful.
Relapse hematoma was treated via the clearance of homolateral hematoma by craniotomy with bone flap.
To treat relapse of postoperative hircismus with the method of super thin flap and 8closure in fascia
the analgesia pump treatment group has mild bladder spasm pain, and 3 cases relapse three days later.
This simple treatment is continued for a week or two after symptoms have disappeared to prevent relapse.
这种简单的治疗持续一周或者两周, 如果好转谨防复发。
Purpose To explore the practical value of tetracyclin solution in the treatment of relapse pneumothorax.
Meanwhile, those who received psychological intervention have higher therapy compliance, lower relapse rate.
干预组的治疗顺应性好 复发率低,治疗完成好。
About half of the patients that relapse will benefit from extending the course of therapy for the retreatment.
Relapse several times so, but loose of stimulate the menstrual flow, improve circulation of eye ministry blood.
如此反复数次, 可通经活络, 改善眼部血液循环。
Results Through effective nursing interventions can improve the efficacy and duration and reduce the relapse rate.
We know that stressful life events make it more likely that someone who has had depression in the past will relapse.
我们知道, 有压力的生活更容易使曾患抑郁症的人旧病复发。
High Dose Cystosine Arabinoside and Methotrexate in the Management of Refractory and Relapse Cases of Acute Leukemia.
The disease is particularly liable to relapse, in whit case the recurrence may be much worse than the original attack.
The efforts of the Commission constitute an essential component in solidifying peace and preventing relapse into conflicts.
Correlation between the emotional expressive style of family members towards inpatients with neurosis and the relapse of neurosis.
Objective To evaluate the effects of consolidation chemotherapy on postponing the relapse in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma.
The relationship between hematogenous dissemination of tumor cells and postoperative relapse or distant metastasis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

单词 relapse 释义

  • 单词释义:(病)再发,复发;故态复萌;再度堕落;再陷邪道  [更多..]



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