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单词 remorse 例句大全,用单词remorse造句:

When Agron was arrested a few days later, he apparently showed no remorse.
The best way to avoid remorse of any kind is to go in with your eyes open.
Bleak remorse tugged inside her heart with the sharp bite of a mauling dog.
Thus, all carnal joy begins sweetly but in the end brings remorse and death.
肉身所有的快乐, 都是这样来的时候廿饴, 事后叫你悲伤。
And you are still you, you will see that I hide in a corner distressed remorse
而你依旧是你, 你会看到我躲在角落里的苦恼懊悔吗?
Patroclus is killed, and as a result Achilles is filled with fury and remorse.
Yet he suffered agonies of remorse, because his countrymen called him a traitor.
Shopper's remorse is different, of course, from compulsive shopping or hoarding.
The apology is the latest in a wave of official acts of remorse around the globe.
He is seized with remorse and angry about his foolishness of not knowing the truth.
他对自己很自责, 也很生气, 因为自己傻傻地不知情。
Homes and possessions that no longer serve can be freely given away without remorse.
As the acuteness of this remorse began to die away, it was succeeded by a sense of joy.
Suspicion and Deceit whisper in Midass ear, while Remorse gazes downcast at naked Truth.
他的神色乖戾, 心怀叵测, 是一个用心险恶的社会象征。
We must join in common effort, without remorse or recrimination, without anger or rancor.
Frankly speaking, Im now experiencing the remorse of conscience due to breaking my promise.
Now, here we are obliged to own that Andrea ought to have felt remorse, but that he did not.
The mans conscience woke and smote him with remorse and he repented having stolen the melon.
他良心发现, 痛不欲生, 为自己偷了西瓜而忏悔。
Is not remorse the justice which is administered by that very law which you would fain serve?
In that case, the truck maker took extensive measures to display remorse and demonstrate probity.
在该案例中, 三菱扶桑采取了大量措施以展现自责与诚信。
Starfish know oneself always aimed at the attacker, unexpectedly is relative, filled with remorse.
海星知道自己一直针对攻击的人, 竟是至亲, 后悔不已。
Roderigo rent his chains asunder manfully, and Hugo died in agonies of remorse and arsenic, with a wild, Ha! Ha!
plea regrets selfaccusation prostration amends selfreproach penitence remorse selfcondemnation repentance penance
后悔, 自责
The past three weeks have been a tremendously painful period, feelings of empathy mixed with remorse and guilt.
Xinhua described the gift as an act of remorse from Li for associating Chinas ubiquitous animal with his criminal activity.
Life is like walking on a tightrope. One should focus one's mind and look forward. Walk ahead and do not look back with empty remorse and anger.
人生如高空走索。应专心一意往前看, 向前走, 不要回头空懊恼。

单词 remorse 释义

  • 单词释义:懊悔;悔恨;自责;同情  [更多..]



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