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单词 refrigerate 例句大全,用单词refrigerate造句:

Bring ingredients to a boil in a large saucepan. Let cool. Refrigerate.
在汁锅中放入以上配料, 加热至煮沸。冷却, 入冰箱冷藏。
The results prove that refrigerate drying method is better than others.
The freezing machine can't refrigerate any more. It needs to be repaired.
Cover, and refrigerate until chilled, at least 1 hour and up to overnight.
The freezing machine cannot refrigerate any more. it needs to be repaired.
这台冷冻机已经不制冷了, 需要拿去修理。
Refrigerate or freeze any that you plan to keep for more than three months.
冷冻, 冷藏起来可以保存三个月以上。
Refrigerate Apple Sells well with Emergence and Prevention of the tiger Shin
Segregate the identified item and refrigerate. Save samples of suspected items.
Put all ingredients a deep bowl, add light soy sauce and mix well. Refrigerate and serve.
将所有材料放深碗中, 加入生抽拌匀, 放入雪柜中冷藏即成。
Spoon over the cake and strawberries, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until needed.
将完成的卡士达盛入容器内的草莓上, 盖上保鲜膜, 冷藏。
All homemade food items and sauces do not contain preservatives, MSG and artificial colouring. Please refrigerate to ensure freshness.
It points out that the technology of using the electricity generated by gas and the emanatory heat to refrigerate is a new developing direction.

单词 refrigerate 释义



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