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单词 recover 例句大全,用单词recover造句:

The increase in auto sales is a straw in the wind that the economy is beginning to recover.
A method to recover silver from waste photographic film with waste fixing bath was studied.
Extraction and distillation were adopted to recover acetic acid from aqueous dilute solution.
Moreover, in case of anonymity misuse, a group manager can recover the issuer of a signature.
而且, 一旦发生争议, 群管理员可以识别出签名者。
In order to recover from disease or even ascend, one must become clear about their boundaries.
为了从疾病中康复或稳定地提升, 你必须明晰你的界域。
Should they recover in a specialized cardiac unit in hospital, or should they recover at home?
他们是应该在医院的心脏科康复 还是在家康复
Patients will recover useful visual acuity after mentioned complications treated in time properly.
We let the solution settle, then we recover the brown powder collected at the bottom of the beaker.
He apparently spent three days in hospital to recover from the injuries he suffered during his arrest.
由于逮捕过程中受了伤, 他显然在医院中住了三天养伤。
They are thinking of destroying their dog because it can't recover ever since it was run over by the car.
The procedure was applied to the assay of aminopyrinephenacetin composite tablets and satisfactory recover
Can recover to a specific point in time, assuming that your backups are complete up to that point in time.
So long as there is adequate rainfall, the people will soon recover from the effects of these difficulties.
只要雨水不缺, 人民很快就可缓过气来。
The procedure was applied to the assay of aminopyrinephenacetin composite tablets and satisfactory recover.
This article provides a comparative accurate foundation about the recover of the protolith in Baoyintu Group.
The dynamic observation of superoxide dismutase between the acute phase and recover phase of ocular contusion
Accelerate the flowers, trees and common grasses recover from the dormancy, abbreviate the period of wilt.
Additional, it has good performance on insomnia, neurasthenic, release tiredness and recover physical strength.
对高血压引起的眩晕头痛 悸,眠等都有很大的疗效。
The only wish we have is for her to recover completely so that she can again attend group meditation regularly.
我们祝福她尽快康复, 而能够定时参加共修。
His face was ashen, and only with an effort was he able to recover enough to be completely civil to the old man.
他脸色铁青, 好不容易才顾全了对老头的礼貌。
An recover technique of hyposulfite of the accessory substances of phenacetin through simplex method was studied.
You have to recover the original intention of the situation because it is tremendous volatility and speculative arbitrage opportunities.
A year ago, when I was in Australia at a speaking engagement, I was asked if the Korean economy would recover. I said it would, without doubt.
OMG! 3 years worth of pictures and documents have disappeared. I might have deleted them by accident. I knew I should have backed them up! Any way to recover my files? Help!
Plate solid culture with high concentration glucose and plate solid culture with high concentration glutamic acid are used to recover the property of bacteria in glutamic acid production

单词 recover 释义

  • 单词释义:康复;复原;重新获得;恢复  [更多..]



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