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单词 recognise 例句大全,用单词recognise造句:

The fusty old establishment refused to recognise the demand for popular music.
Trimethylamine is the chemical that produces the'fishy'smell we all recognise.
The pollution caused by this trade does not recognise international boh daries.
But then he began to recognise the Chelsea medics who had gone to the hospital.
They failed to recognise that Christians have different gifts and different tasks.
This helps users to recognise spelling mistakes and to filter out incorrect words.
Even if you dont consciously know the buildings, you will recognise the photographs.
即便你不了解那些建筑, 你也能从相片上认出它来。
This is not to condone vice. It is to recognise the limits imposed by human frailty.
We in Hong Kong recognise and understand how important France is to us in Hong Kong.
我们知道, 也明白, 对香港来说, 法国是如何重要的。
Too often we fail to recognise the difference between the person and the performance.
That was unsuccessful, and HTC should recognise that its status is as a foreign brand.
This research concludes that males and females respond alike when they recognise a thief.
Although her language skills are not ideal, she can recognise speech and respond clearly.
Rather, we should recognise that Hong Kong still enjoys a position which is the envy of many.
Fourth , that the Greeks invented democracy in anything like the way that we recognise it now.
最后, 他说古希腊人发明了我们今天的民主。
And it made her recognise how critical it is to be able to show measurable progress in fitness.
It is doubtful that most web surfers would recognise Google in Mr. Rubin's vituperative description.
多数网民是否认可鲁宾对谷歌的责骂, 是有疑问的。
Asian countries andoil producers recognise the investment nature of their foreign exchange accumulation.
Politicians traditionally fail to recognise recessions in time, and then take too long to enact stimulus.
政府无法及时发现衰退降临, 制定政策又要经过相当长时间。
An absolutely crucial part of every learning process is the moment when you recognise that you have something to be taught.
Philippe, the rightful heir to the throne, has been imprisoned and forced to wear an iron mask for seven years so that no one will recognise him.

单词 recognise 释义

  • 单词释义:认出,识别出某人[某事物];承认…有效[属实];认可;承认[认清](某事物)  [更多..]



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