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单词 reject 例句大全,用单词reject造句:

The author can then easily jump to each of your changes and accept or reject them.
Reject entries that contain binary data, escape sequences, and comment characters.
Association right to reject and application without obligation to give the reasons.
本会有权拒绝接纳任何申请, 而无须给予理由。
If there is not really has the matter, I will not reject your invitation absolutely.
如果不是我真的有事情, 我绝对不会拒绝你的邀请。
The two plans are mutually exclusive, ie If you accept one you must reject the other.
But those who reject Faith and belie our Signs, they shall be companions of Hellfire.
Turn off any third party programs or control panels that automatically reject cookies.
The publisher reserves the right to revise or reject any advertising copies or graphics.
Even more so, it is serious to reject the Anointed One, the King of kings, Jesus Christ.
I am not so violently bent upon my own opinion as to reject any offer proposed by wise men.
After examining via legal inspection agency, maintain this to approve cosmetic to be reject.
经法定检验机构检验后, 认定该批化妆品为不合格品。
Magee Obviously that means not only that you reject idealism but also that you reject dualism.
显而易见, 你反对唯心主义, 而且也反对二元论。
The people's court shall reject the appeal that does not conform to the aforesaid stipulations.
Because you are unable to reject anytime anywhere, a good swim the world's the huge enticement!
因为你无法拒绝随时随地, 畅游世界各地的巨大诱惑!
On inspecting aspect, the job is to prevent or reduce outoftolerance and reject due to the burr.
在检测方面, 防止或减少因毛刺存在使检测超差, 废品增多。
They took longer to reject metaphors as false than they did to reject literally false sentences.
他们要花更长的时间才能把包含暗喻的句子 从中挑出来。
The Home Office said at that time that it was minded to reject his application for political asylum.
For a certain period of time, reject applications from the institutional investor of a hedge account.
if it does not meet the requirements for acceptance the court shall make an order within seven days to reject it.
认为不符合起诉条件的, 应当在七日内裁定不予受理
Where the holder makes presentment for payment beyond the above time limit, the authorized payer shall reject it.
Yet in the same way these men, also by dreaming, defile the flesh, and reject authority, and revile angelic majesties.
It is imperative to oppose the second policy, to reject the second set of measures and to avert the second perspective.
一定要反对第二种方针, 反对第二套办法, 避免第二个前途。
To crave your likes but reject your dislikes will plunge you into constant anxiety. Once there, you are prey to vexations.
Yet in like manner these people also, relying on their dreams, defile the flesh, reject authority, and blaspheme the glorious ones.
这些做梦的人也像他们污秽身体, 轻慢主治的, 毁谤在尊位的。
An American doctor who wants to perform the world's first head transplant has conceded the host body would probably reject the new addition.

单词 reject 释义

  • 单词释义:拒绝考虑;摈弃;不录用;不出版;冷漠对待;对…产生排斥反应  [更多..]



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