Dont use unions to reinterpret representation.
So we reinterpret or even distort the character.
因此我们重新解释, 以至曲解了这个角色。
If you do not protect it, He will reinterpret it.
只要你不袒护它, 就会为你重新诠释。
so that they can reinterpret and create something from it.
To reinvent and reinterpret, their colours natural and earthy.
特点复古的创作与诠释, 色彩自然而朴实。
Reinterpret the past so that things that have been a burden actually empower you.
重新阐释过去, 化过去的阻力为动力。
The only way to legitimately resolve Roman excess was to reinterpret the nature of the sacraments.