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单词 recite 例句大全,用单词recite造句:

Say ab extra bonze good recite scriptures, probably this word is pretty good.
都说外来的和尚好念经, 大概这句话是不错的。
He was so clever that he was able to recite many poems even when he was four.
他是如此的聪明, 他能背诵很多诗, 甚至当他四岁。
As consideration for the gift, each boy must recite a prayer for Bost's soul.
每人都必需背诵一段祷词, 以此告慰波斯特的灵魂。
I used to recite a song instead of counting sheep when I couldn't fall sleep.
睡不着觉时, 我曾以背诵歌曲代替数数以求入睡。
I repeated them until I could recite seventy stories without dropping a word.
Listen, recite and remember the content of alcoran at any moment and everywhere
Eg Libretto for the seven basic words, actors recite lyrics, and to put it plainly.
How clever the child is. He can recite the three character primer a few days later.
这个孩子真聪明, 几天就把三字经背下来了。
The little boy is very clever, to give an example, he can recite many ancient poems.
这个小男孩很聪明, 举例说, 他能背很多古诗。
Divine Hymn You recite a holy hymn, granting your party protection from attackers.
Then a leading singer would stand out and recite alone, and the chorus would respond.
Et passim, who recite the history of Israels redemption from Egypt and other enemies.
Comic dialogue actors often recite a poem before a performance to attract an audience.
She asked the children to recite the Rosary for world peace and conversion of sinners.
Poets! recite to me your verses which repeat in every line the Gospel of eternal life.
The Crested Myna in his home can not only repeat what others say but also recite poems.
The crested myna in his home can not only repeat what others say but also recite poems.
When I left the kitchen he was about to recite the opening lines of the piece to my aunt.
However, it is best to recite scriptures to cooperate together, when using greater efficacy.
English native teachers, recite with fun to improve English listening, speaking, reading and writing!
Hamilton County Municipal Court Judge John Burlew was skeptical and asked Hine to recite the 23rd Psalm.
周三, 一男子因涉嫌盗用他人信用卡在药店消费而被捕。
There is only a little recite on testament execution in Inherit Law, but has not essential prescript about it.
Drawing inference from these three rules, having children rote recite the old Classics is counteracting to them all.
如果依照这三原则去推论, 是不可以教儿童读经的。
Correctly and with good intonations. They can recite the texts without looking at the books. And on the other hand, they should be
When he entered into the official school at the age of ten, he was able to recite The Book of Family Names and The Three Words Classics.

单词 recite 释义

  • 单词释义:背诵;叙述;列举  [更多..]



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