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单词 rectify 例句大全,用单词rectify造句:

Instruction air cell is used to rectify excursion of filter cloth and assure normal running of filter cloth.
Some say, if this method is adopted, there probably wont be much left to rectify in the second half of the year.
有人说, 如果用这个办法, 到下半年, 恐怕就没有什么好整了。
i. Interpreters and translators shall acknowledge and promptly rectify their interpreting and translation mistakes.
The method to rectify it mainly depends on scientific attitude, respecting the history and the role in the works.
Rectify the metabolism of micronutrient out of tune, will contribute to preventing and cure Gao Zhi Xie3s disease.
Application on The Methods of Grouting, Pumping and Draw Out Soil in Rectify Deviation and Consolidation of Building
Rectify and standardize the milk stand, raising the threshold of entry, the implementation of standardized management.
In the case of a verifiably defective delivery, Mentor may chose whether to rectify the defect or to deliver a replacement.
如果商品缺损, 门拓可以选择矫正缺损商品或运输新产品。
I think that while we are carrying out the reform we have to improve the economic environment and rectify the economic order.
我赞成边改革, 边治理环境整顿秩序。
The new leaders should first of all address this problem, which is also an important part of our efforts to rectify the Party.
To Determine and Rectify For Mr.Cai Jinzhang Tombstone Who Was a Hui Nationality General and a Guangdong Commande in Late Qing Dynasty
but where the basic ranks of the working class and the Communist Party are concerned, the problem is to rectify their style of work.
And to rectify the party's style of work and consolidate its organization on the basis of a conscientious study of the new party constitution.
在认真学习新党章的基础上, 整顿党的作风和组织。
Credit surveillance will be strengthened. Work will be dedicated to prevent and rectify behaviors aimed at slipping debt obligations to financial institutions.
The Insurer shall be entitled to verify the contents of the declarations, and in cases of any omission, the Insured shall rectify it by filing the omitted declaration or declarations.
Where there are no applicable provisions of laws and regulations, the department in charge of industrial and commercial administration shall order the business operators to rectify their acts and shall
We must adhere to the principle of addressing both symptoms and root causes of corruption and taking comprehensive measures to rectify both while devoting greater efforts gradually to tackling the latter.

单词 rectify 释义

  • 单词释义:改正,校正;[化]精馏;[电]整流  [更多..]



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