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单词 regarding 例句大全,用单词regarding造句:

We are obliged to you for your inquiry regarding sole agency for the sale of our Table Cloths in Sweden.
The School Office will inform the student regarding the arrangement of collecting the card after admission.
在取录学员后, 学院会个别通知学员有关领取学生证的安排。
Please describe and attach documentation regarding all disciplinary actions taken by any regulatory agency.
Article57 guaranteed equal rights for men and women regarding property acquired jointly during the marriage.
Can this have what achievement regarding the humanity, how the humanity can accomplish itself, very important.
这对于人类能有何作为, 人类能如何造就自己, 至关重要。
Data regarding elevations in hepatobiliary enzyme levels are now addressed in the section on adverse reactions.
An alert regarding biological invasion by a new exotic plant, Flaveria bidentis, and strategies for its control
Research On The Political Economics Regarding Issues Of Small And Medium Sized Enterprises In Advanced Countries
The complex travel patterns of humans raised questions regarding the actual location of exposure to the pathogen.
This section is provided to give you the additional information regarding admin log file reference documentation.
Regarding the payment for raw material and finished product, I suggest that reciprocal letter of credit is adopt.
关于原材料和成品费用的支付, 我建议双方对开信用证。
Refer to the Guide for the Inspection of a Lyophilization Process for additional direction regarding this process.
Issues Regarding Interest Rate Adjustment on Deferred Tax Payments for Trade Processing Products Sold Domestically
There must be no more issuing of administrative orders regarding the creation and criticism of literature and art.
Take some time on Friday the24th to write down a few goals you hope to achieve regarding family and where you live.
The administration reconsiders the application reconsidered the activity regarding the administration very important.
The achievement in astronomy was the revival and proof of the heliocentric theory that is regarding the sun as center.
No data are available at this time regarding the use of other active repellent ingredients in combination with a sunscreen.
Afterward the Li Danyang mood was getting more and more excited, was very is discontented regarding traffic police's behavior.
Regarding the legal liabilities for deceptive advertising, there must be applicable laws and applicable laws must be complied with.
Regarding how to confirm the principle of liability on product damage liability in China, there are many disputes existing in academic circles.
The adjustment regarding tihgtness of wire pressing rollers, depth of cutting cutters can be done by trimming revolving knobs, simple and quickly.
Predicted Function with Three Parameters Regarding the Critical Temperature of Homologous Chain Alkyl Single Alcohol and Homologous Chain Alkyl Cyclopentane
To formulate prefectural plans and policies regarding foreign affairs, overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macao affairs, furthermore, to supervise and implement them.
Analysis of advantage and disadvantage with regarding to consolidation of current two parallel taxation standards on both Foreign Invested Enterprises and domestic companies

单词 regarding 释义

  • 单词释义:关于;就…而论;至于  [更多..]



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