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单词 preservative 例句大全,用单词preservative造句:

This preservative treatment shall not have any adverse effect on the subsequent paintwork.
a liquid preservative applied to artwork,such as watercolor paintings or charcoal drawings
The main material contain in a dough figure is flour, added color, preservative and honey.
面塑以麦粉为主要原料, 加进颜色, 用特制扬汤止沸工具加工。
Introduced Polylysine's characteristic and application as new type biological preservative.
A liquid preservative applied to artwork, such as watercolor paintings or charcoal drawings.
A liquid preservative applied to artwork, such as watercolor paintings or charcoal drawings.
Comparison among carmine staining times of fluke specimens in different preservative periods.
Synergistic effect of biological and chemical combined preservative on orange juice preservation
Rapidly cool down the mixup to prevent enamel separation , and add in preservative if necessary.
快速冷却以防止油质分离, 必要时加入防腐剂。
Study on the method of extracting natural preservative in Agastache rugosa and its bacteriostasis
Studies on the Antibiotic Efficacy and Working Mechanism of Preservative killer of Bacteria and Molds
Will the vaccines contain thimerosal, a mercurybased preservative that critics say might cause problems
One tablespoon of vodka or pure alcohol to the solution will act as a preservative but this is optional.
一大匙伏特加或纯酒精溶液作为防腐剂, 但这将是择。
Effects of preservative agents and nuclear radiation on preservation of pickled Portunus trituberculatus
We also did the research on calcium propionate as preservative in food, and obtained satisfactory result.
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the tax preservative and enforcement measures taken by the customs.
第二条海关实施税收保全和强制措施, 适用本办法。
Sodium acetate is also used as a preservative, and also gives salt and vinegar chips their distinctive taste.
醋酸钠也可用作防腐剂, 也能使薯条带有独特味道。
Industry Blood products Vaccine, vaccine Disinfection preservative Surgery drug ENT drugs Dermatologic Agents
Storage Information ACQDB preservative should be kept in container within shady, cool and wellventilated area.
if the taxpayer fails to provide guarantee, the Customs may take the tax preservative measures according to law.
This paper studied the preservative effect of different coating agents on plum and cherry tomato stored at ambient temperature.
Preservative, colorants are not used during the manufacturing process and high pressure vacuum sterilizing is utilized to kill germs.
The condiment also has functional preservative aspects in that its acid, alcohol, and salt content help prevent the spoilage of foods.
Water cannot clean our food effectively as agricultural chemicals such as pesticide, wax and preservative are not easily washed away with water.
In July the American Academy of Pediatrics and the US Public Health Service urged vaccine makers to remove the trace of mercury preservative added to many vaccines to kill bacteria.

单词 preservative 释义

  • 单词释义:防腐剂;预防法;防护层  [更多..]



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