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单词 presentation 例句大全,用单词presentation造句:

Receive an additional entry ballot with presentation of your Wingtat Membership Card upon purchase.
The admitting junior resident who admitted the patient the previous day begins the case presentation.
I'd like to apologize, first of all, to all of you because I have no form of PowerPoint presentation.
首先我想先和大家道个歉 因为我没有准备 幻灯片
Former Ambassadorial Scholar Katie Krueger speaks during an International Assembly panel presentation.
Additionally, this presentation will give a trend analysis that discusses the application of the future.
You want to alter the version of the diagram in the presentation but leave the original diagram untouched.
Its a subtle, nonevasive presentation that takes full advantage of a baits natural appearance in the water.
This poster presentation was discussed here at the American Headache Society 49th Annual Scientific Meeting.
Traditional figure drawing of our country has its special beauty appreciation system and way of presentation.
Animation is the rapid sequential presentation of slightly differing graphics to create the illusion of motion.
Psychological Factors Associated with Delay to Hospital Presentation in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction
In addition, the presentation of elements in parallel can appeal to several different audiences at the same time.
Artificial insemination of animals. Individual parkaging of frozen bull semen. Presentation of characteristic data.
They appear to just be shaking hands, presentation hasnt started yet and another atrocious melody is on the speakers.
他们握手啊介绍啊, 怎么还没开始!
The study is being released early to coincide with its presentation at the American College of Cardiologys annual conference.
Furthermore, the presentation formats of our advertisements are not the optimal way to peruse through large numbers of products.
Payment shall be effected by the opening bank by telegraphic transfer against presentation of the aforesaid draft and documents.
Thirdly, the paper discusses the bodily idiographic presentation in modernistic sculpture through the argumentation of examples.
再次, 通过实例论证身体在现代主义雕塑中的具体呈现。
Objective To analyze the clinical application of manual rotation fetal head and reducing occurrence of Cephalic Presentation Dystocia.
other materials the presentation of which is required by the organ of examination and approval pursuant to the provisions of this Law.
There is a need, therefore, for the acquisition of presentation, simultaneous translation and interpretation equipment at various locations.
This affidavit is being executed for presentation to the appropriate Philippine authorities to enable my child to travel to the Philippines.
Chapter six, the indicative significance of the residual equity theory in the accounting theory and the presentation of financial statements.
It was already half past five in the afternoon when the presentation ceremony arranged by local officials was completed and the supplies were unloaded.
We acknowledge that the right is reserved by you to refuse to grant the loan application at the time of the presentation of documents under this credit.

单词 presentation 释义

  • 单词释义:授予;提出…的方式;颁奖仪式;介绍;表演;胎儿产式  [更多..]



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