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单词 prescribe 例句大全,用单词prescribe造句:

You cannot prescribe for a malady unless you diagnose it accurately and understand its causes.
Or prescribe a method for calculation of damages for the loss resulting from a party's breach.
Chinese doctors touch your pulse, prescribe chinese herbal medicine, and use accupuncture etc.
中医摸脉, 开中药药方, 扎针灸等等。
In the aspect of procedure, the law should definitely prescribe the term of sanction of reprieve.
This Statute does not prescribe the rights and duties of belligerentsand neutrals in time of war.
the last is their legislation all prescribe the system of prohibiting the abuse of right of appeal.
Your doctor will also likely prescribe prenatal vitamins for you, which contain some extra calcium.
Ill prescribe a bottle of lotion for you for external use only, apply it on the lesions, twice a day.
In either case, the relevant specification should always prescribe the acceptable performance tolerances.
在其它案例中, 相关规范应描述可允收性能允差。
Can prescribe some pill, which will relieve the pain, but you d be well advised not to overwork yourself.
18 Cases Heart Tump about to Disorder treated by compound Prescribe Danshen and Shenmai Inject the liquid
I can prescribe some pills which will relieve the pain, but youd be well advised NOT to overwork yourself.
To prescribe in the Statutes, Academic Ordinances or Academic Regulations the requirements for matriculation.
By norms, we mean the social rules and guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior in particular situations.
The concrete measures for the State Council shall prescribe the total emission control of major air pollutants.
General practitioners often prescribe antibiotics for respiratory tract infections when nasal discharge is purulent.
Health care providers may prescribe the wrong treatment, the wrong dose or the wrong length of time for taking the drugs.
医疗机构处方错误的治疗, 错剂量或错误的时间服药。
A securities investment trust enterprise shall prescribe and execute the criteria for selecting fund custodian institution.
Wulie King of Shangbao in Ming Dynasty, Li Tianbao, had issued the decree to prescribe the Qingqianliu as the national tea.
coercing a medical worker to prescribe narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or cheating the worker into doing the same.
胁迫, 欺骗医务人员开具麻醉药品, 精神药品的。
The first amendment does not prescribe a duty on the government to ensure easy access to information for members of the press.
These children are explicitly forbidden from reading newspapers, listening to radio, reading any books that the teachers do not prescribe them.
这些孩子们被禁止 读报,听广播 或是 读课外书。
The notification shall contain a reference to the present Article and shall prescribe the period for the communication of any formal disagreement.
Glaxo seems to be arguing that the government's dilemma was of its own making, since the NHS recommended last October that doctors not prescribe the drug.
They may prescribe innumerable placebos, sound more encouraging than the facts warrant, and distort grave news, especially to the in-curably ill and the dying.

单词 prescribe 释义

  • 单词释义:指定,规定;开处方,给医嘱  [更多..]



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