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单词 precipitate 例句大全,用单词precipitate造句:

The color is steady and is precipitate with the content of finance building.
A substance that causes a precipitate to form when it is added to a solution.
Had Labour been in charge, the dash for growth would have been more precipitate.
An antibody that reacts with a specific soluble antigen to produce a precipitate.
Ward membership may easily precipitate itself into many visible forms of behaviour.
She felt that her return would be likely to precipitate a collision with her father.
Gases, such as carbon dioxide, dissolve in liquids and can precipitate out as solids.
Meanwhile the electrolyte solution aging was related to the appearance of precipitate.
Study on Ultrafiltration Technology for Replacing Alcohol to Precipitate Crude Dextran
The detergent should be a homogeneous liquid without any foreign matter or precipitate.
该洗涤剂必须是纯的, 没有任何其它外来物质参杂的。
At these levels carbon does not precipitate like oxygen, nor is it electrically active.
She was frightened by the precipitate shock and could not speak a word for few minutes.
Particulates can also melt the ice when they precipitate out of the air and land on it.
Many of our current problems have been caused by precipitate policy making in the past.
Study on aqueous lotus seed stem solution and the healthy ingredients in its precipitate
Phosphor changes indium chip to need more than silicon chip second precipitate and etch.
For the future of peace, precipitate withdrawal would be a disaster of immense magnitude.
为了未来的和平, 轻率的撤退将会一种极大的灾难。
The photons of sunlight precipitate a series of genetic events in skin leading to cancer.
Lactic acid fungus beverage can keep even stable state often, easy to layer and precipitate.
乳酸菌饮料常常不能保持均匀的稳定状态, 易分层和沉淀。
On the approach of the enemy, either reckless battle or precipitate flight would be proposed.
敌人来了, 主张拚一下, 否则就要逃跑。
The cobalt oxide is produced from cobalt catalyst waste by using acidolysis precipitate method.
用含钴催化剂废料作原料, 采用酸溶沉淀法工艺制取氧化钴。
The straining during defaecation can cause a rise in blood pressure, or even precipitate stroke.
患有高血压者排便时过份用力, 会令血压上升, 甚或诱发中风。
Take charge of the reagent precipitate forming by a known as reagent roll of static electricity.
Love is a kind of icing on the cake of life, true love is a distillation of the precipitate after.
爱是一种生活的锦上添花, 爱是一份真情升华后的沉淀。
Yet, it was a great delight slyly to precipitate a flight amongst his mates and tangle the traces.
它在同伴之间跳起跃下以扰乱其踪迹, 很是狡猾。

单词 precipitate 释义

  • 单词释义:下掷,由高处抛下;使提前或突然发生,加速(坏事的发生);[气象] 使凝结而下降,冷凝成为雨或雪等;[化]使沉淀  [更多..]



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