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单词 portrait 例句大全,用单词portrait造句:

On American One Hundred Dollar Bill, there is a portrait of which American statesman ?
在一百美元面值的钞票上, 是哪一位美国总统的肖像?
The portrait is in PDF format is printed on the back of the portrait the French franc.
On an American One Hundred Dollar Bill, There is a portrait of which American statesman?
美国人的百元大钞是富裕的象征, 上面的头像是谁?
An artist makes a papercut portrait of US President Obama at the Yu Gardens in Shanghai.
His portrait of Templeton is at times suffused in an atmosphere of sentimental nostalgia.
Just switch to the video camera and you can choose to shoot either portrait or landscape.
PERSONAGE Creating a System with Realism of Portrait and Cartoon Drawing Cartoon Pictures
Is this portrait taken from life or copied from photograph ?This is a portrait from life.
Is this portrait taken from life or copied from photograph? This is a portrait from life.
It is platform with true head portrait so, user accredit feels closer,, so user two bigger.
Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.
The aesthetic thought and its connotation the lifelike portrait expresses are very profound.
Each week the magazine provided a pen portrait of one of the big men on the Cambridge campus.
Slowly and stiffly, she rose from her chair and limped to stand beneath her mother's portrait.
Portrait of the right to its citizens is directly related to human dignity and social assessment.
The director of the gallery, Marc Pachter, calls the Lansdowne portrait the jewel of the collection.
According to the size of casting copper buddhism portrait, the method for stage division is proposed.
This paper is a comprehensive study of Heller's posthumous novel Portrait of an Artist, as an Old Man.
The National Portrait Gallery is the place dedicated to presenting great American lives, amazing people.
国家人物志致力于 展现非凡的美国生活,非凡的美国人。
The third chapter makes the comparison of past and present to the exquisite brush portrait's development.
The life of the monochrome portrait contains a rich history dating back to the birth of photography itself.
The most appropriate studio and portrait photography, childrens dynamic photography, advertising photography.
Being a famous portrait work of Leonardo da Vinci, this painting represents the artistic thinking of the maestro.
达?芬奇得著名肖像画作品, 它代表了达?芬奇得艺术思想。
The submarine beats a while horizontal, the just still airtight white orders of the display suddenly had portrait.
潜艇一下子打横, 刚才还是密密白点的显示器突然有了图象。
His father Nigel Simpson, 38, was commissioned to paint the Queen Mother 25 years ago and his grandfather Leslie is a portrait artist and illustrator of the childrens book Ollie the Whimsey Collie.
爱德华出生于一个绘画世家, 他的祖先在17世纪就是画家。

单词 portrait 释义

  • 单词释义:肖像,肖像画;模型,标本;半身雕塑像;人物描写  [更多..]



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