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单词 powdered 例句大全,用单词powdered造句:

The powdered milk is packed under ultraviolet rays to prevent any possible contamination.
Powdered activated carbon at high speed, with flocculation effect and help filter effects.
Synthetic Lightweight Aggregate Sintered by Means of Powdered Apatite Tailings and Biotite
Combine and sift the powdered sugar and cacao powder into a mixing bowl. Drop the extract.
糖粉和可可粉混合后筛入搅拌盆内, 滴入杏仁香精。
Producing Small Building Blocks by Mixing Modified Levigation Powdered Coal into Coal Cinder
Research and Application of the Permitted Powdered Emulsion Explosive For Gassy Colliery Class
This code is not applicable to building mortar and powdered coal ash used as admixture carrier.
Her arched eyebrows and grotesquely powdered face were at once seductive and grimly overbearing.
a plaster containing powdered black mustard applied to the skin as a counterirritant or rubefacient.
In the powdered milk includes the sodium ion, needs to replenish the quantity boiling water dilution.
Frost this chiffon cake with your favorite frosting or dust with powdered sugar and serve with fruit.
Research on the shrinkage characteristic of powdered soil stabilized by binder and solidification powder
Beat marzipan paste, butter and powdered sugar with an electric mixer for 3 minute or until well combined.
将杏仁糕, 牛油和糖粉用搅拌器打3分钟直到材料完全均匀。
Comparison and Analysis on Load Tests in Composite Ground of Single Pile and Multi piles of Spout Powdered Piles.
Study on Taste and Odor Removal in Drinking Water by Potassium Permanganate Combined with Powdered Activated Carbon
When I am done with my examination, I will take you a tin of powdered malt extract and apologize to you once again.
等我考完了试, 我要买一瓶麦乳精去看您, 再次向您道歉。
The infection mechanics which powdered fly ash affects clayey soil's plastic and liquid limits is studied in detail.
Application of the Atomic Fluorescence Method on Determinating Arsenic and Antimony in the High Pure Powdered Graphite
Some selected granular and powdered activated carbon products provide an effective solution for taste and odor removal.
The thick falling powdered milk, flutters floats sprinkles this autumn most to let the person palpitation confusedness.
纷纷扬扬的奶粉, 飘飘洒洒成这个秋天最让人心悸的迷茫。
Stir together powdered sugar and water to make of pouring consistency. Drizzle over the cake and sprinkle the almonds on it.
把糖粉和水混合后淋在蛋糕上, 洒上杏仁片即可。
In view of the ultrafine nature of powdered boron, the method combined the gravimetric method and volumetric method together.
碳硼烷一种含碳, 氢和硼的稳定化合物。
PROCESS OF PRODUCTION Boron Carbide is smelted from boric acid and powdered carbon in electric furnace under high temperature.
Plain saute Powdered and fry As shrimp meat filling As shrimp cake material Cooked shrimp meat can be put directly into salad.
Powder injecting device is a key equipment which enables powdered flux to be injected into liquid steel continuously and stably.
如何使粉剂连续稳定的进入钢水中, 喷煤罐是关键设备。

单词 powdered 释义

  • 单词释义:变成粉的;涂了粉的;〈美俚〉喝醉了的  [更多..]



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