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单词 porter 例句大全,用单词porter造句:

Just leave your baggage here and Ill get the porter to carry it up away.
把您得行李留在这儿, 我会马上叫行李员帮您提上去。
A few hotels have separated the functions of the bellman and the porter.
He left the baggage with the porter and went straight to meet his friends.
The hall Porter sullenly pulled a bell that rang upstairs, and turned away.
门房忧郁地拉了一下通到楼上的门铃的引线, 就扭过脸去。
The hall porter sullenly pulled a bell that rang upstairs, and turned away.
As a guest of Sinbad the next evening, he did not want to appear as a porter.
The gate woman in the porter is very cruel to the students who come back late.
Professor Porter Shall I, ahem, leave you and the blackboard alone for a moment
波特教授可以吗, 嗯, 让你和你的黑白独自呆一会儿?
After the businessman left, the traveler complimented the porter on his restraint.
商人离开后, 游客称赞搬运工能忍辱克己。
Are you telling me that you spent the forenoon drinking beer in the porter's lodge?
I volunteered to look after the baby so Porter could start that new restaurant job.
我自愿照顾孩子 好让波特开始他的餐厅工作。
The interpreter accosted one old porter, and asked him if it were far to the Kremlin.
Never BE unduly elated by victory or depressed by defeat. H. Porter, American federal.
Trolleys are available free of charge and a free porter service is available on request.
The porter, Medon, saluted her kindly as she descended the steps that led to the street.
她走下通向街道的台阶时, 那个守门人米顿和蔼地招呼了她。
Ekin puts on his microphone while Dr Porter describes the days schedule to the film crew.
It's better for Porter, it's better for Julie, and it's sure as hell better for that baby.
这样对波特和朱莉都好 当然,对孩子来说更好。
Differences such as these, claimed Porter, are a principal source of competitive advantage.
Singer Mick Jagger from the band The Rolling Stones was once a porter at a mental hospital.
You are twentytwo and have been a clerk, a traveller, monster pas cher, and a porter.
Study on the Profit Margin of Hainan's Travel Agencies Based on Porter's Five Competitiveness Model
Je vous saurais gre de bien vouloir porter le contenu de cette lettre a la connaissance des membres du Conseil de securite
If you 're staying at one of Bangkok's many five-star establishments, expect to tip the porter 20 to 50 baht, depending on how many bags you have.
Mischa Porter, a 17-year-old junior in the regular program at Montgomery Blair, talks wistfully about the magnet program.' They 're the smart people,' he says.
His ideas are not meant to be worn, ' Arnault says of the avant-gardish collection of bag-lady-style ball gowns, ' but the ideas descend down to pret-a-porter and to everything in the line.

单词 porter 释义

  • 单词释义:看门人;行李员;列车服务生;护工;搬运工  [更多..]



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