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单词 porsche 例句大全,用单词porsche造句:

VW and Porsche plan to decide on the structure of the combined group by August 13.
Lotus, Porsche and Ferrari each unveiled vehicles driven partly by electric motors.
Porsche came up with a streamlined 0 door sedan, which had lines similar to the Beetle.
For all its skepticism, Porsche has approached hybrids with its usual engineering flair.
During the past six decades, Porsche has experienced many high points as well as low ones.
If Lin Jun drags along to have Yi lotus Nuo, porsche p4998 adidas, wipes out sad tears for her.
So, being a little cocky, the Porsche driver floors it again and blows past the guy on the scooter.
Porsche ran up euro 9 billion in debt when it accumulated a stake in Volkswagen in an abortive takeover.
在吸股收购大众汽车失败之后, 保时捷负债高达90亿欧元。
During the teaching process, it is essential to guarantee the power supply for the Porsche system tester.
The Porsche and Piech families which currently control Porsche together remain Volkswagen's biggest shareholder.
Only the Porsche 911 Turbo with the preselected shared Blueprint provided in the WCG save file Career is allowed.
Porsche had obviously looked over the sea at what Henry Ford had been able to achieve with the all-round, popular Model T Ford.
Porsche may be one of these after rumours of a smaller car, a sort of hark back to the old 928, based on the new Panamera surfaced.
吓, 现在鼓声再起
The ' people's car ' was the idea of can manufacturer Ferdinand Porsche, whose name was also associated with the superior can marque Porsche.
As the son of Li Kashing, the richest man in Hong Kong, critics caricatured him as the type of spoiled brat whod take dads Porsche for a joy ride, then wreck it.
他开着父亲的保时捷去飚车, 后来把跑车给开毁掉了。

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