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单词 poppy 例句大全,用单词poppy造句:

Brush the top with egg wash and sprinkle with desired topping, such as oat brans, poppy, caraway or sesame seeds.
表面刷上蛋液, 随好洒上燕麦麸, 罂粟籽, 葛缕子籽或芝麻粒。
Mix the egg yolk with milk and brush the loaves with the egg glaze. Top the doughs with the poppy and sesame seeds.
把蛋黄和牛混合后刷在面团上, 然后洒满罂粟子和芝麻。
More recently, it had been a Taliban stronghold, and its lushly irrigated fields provided fertile ground for opium poppy.
Illegal growing of opium poppy, marijuana, or other kinds of plants from which drugs are extracted is to be forcibly eliminated.

单词 poppy 释义

  • 单词释义:[植]罂粟(花);罂粟属植物;深红色  [更多..]



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