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单词 poor 例句大全,用单词poor造句:

We are being told how to do poor dissimilation, but this poor dissimilation is not big.
No, aboriginals have poor parodies of Eofol or Nighon horses, with humps on their backs.
the paper thin, poor, coupled with a suction nozzle, the excessive absorption of the page.
纸张较薄, 较差, 加之吸嘴的吸力偏大, 将书页吸破。
People with low levels of academic achievement are more likely to suffer with poor health.
But businesses still cater to the poor, and do not want to lose customers, even poor ones.
In the past adopted children were mostly abandoned children or those from very poor families.
过去, 收养的儿童大多数是弃婴或家境贫困的孩子。
I am poor, the servant was very poor, my gardener was very poor, my driver is also very poor.
我很穷, 我的佣人也很穷, 我的花匠也很穷, 我的司机也很穷。
Zhouzhou logical thinking ability of the poor, but the image of thinking ability is very strong.
舟舟得逻辑思维能力很差, 但形象思维能力却很强。
The poor shun it because of its high price, and the rich dislike it because of its poor quality.
In other words, the percentage of poor and extremely poor households decreased in absolute terms.
The very poor have no choice. Its up to us to change things so that the poor have choice as well.
很穷的人没有选择 我们要改变这些事 以便穷人也有选择
Applying Comprehensive Exercises In Maths Teaching On The Conversion Of Academically Poor Students
运用开放题教学 转化数学差生
I am also absolutely certain that a lot of aid today isn't better than giving directly to the poor.
我也确信 现在许多援助 都不比直接给穷人钱还好。
The Legislation Enlightenment to Our Relief of Absolute Poverty from UK's Progress of Relief the Poor
Hence my poor abode is frequented by eminent men, and conversation with them should improve his knowledge.
是以寒第高人颇聚。令郎常去谈会谈会, 则学问可以日进矣。
Solution basically, the proportion of lower proportion potion is poor, poor efficiency conductive plating.
The society will offer support and opportunity to those who are poor in order to eradicate absolute poverty.
The authors studied a group of patients who were considered to be poor candidates for needle ablation therapy.
My grandpa is a poor, lower-middle class peasant, so I am a descendant of poor and lower-middle class peasants.
Are we fair and reasonable to people around us? Don't abuse the weak and poor and don't accept bullies and evil.
After an absence of several years, I came to Jerusalem to bring my people gifts for the poor and to present offerings.
Potter is jealous of potter, and craftsman of craftsman and poor man has a grudge against poor man, and poet against poet.
The interests of the poor peasants and farm labourers and the forward role of the poor peasant leagues must be our first concern.
We will also continue to provide free textbooks to students from poor families and living allowances to poor students residing on campus.
It is not enough just to say we are poor, and actually, we are very poor. Such a status quo is far from being commensurate with the standing of a great nation such as ours.
现在说我们穷还不够, 是太穷, 同自己的地位完全不相称。

单词 poor 释义

  • 单词释义:贫穷的,贫乏的;令人怜悯的,可怜的;匮乏的;低劣的  [更多..]



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