The intravenous anesthesia may possibly cause allergic shock or respiration inhibition.
静脉麻醉有过敏性休克, 呼吸抑制的可能
These markings appear to be superficial breaks in the possibly secondary to barotrauma.
As a result, amount received by you may possibly less than the original amount remitted.
因此, 您所收电汇款金额就有可能少于原汇出金额。
Carry on rising through your boutique consultancy for as long as you can possibly afford.
In lung abscess, percutaneous drainage can result in pleural seeding and possibly empyema.
在肺脓疡, 经皮引流可导致肋膜转移, 并可能脓胸。
A Sixgeneration Family with Autosomal Dominant Deafness Passed Along Possibly A New Locus.
This typology should adapt to 2 to 3 people families and possibly enable growth and extensions.
Nobody can possibly live as though he were in an area curtained off from the rest of the world.
And may help to appraise and to forecast ecology consequence that the plan design possibly brings.
A parse of a sentential form is the construction of a derivation and possibly a syntax tree for it.
This sad news is undoubtedly like a heavy bomb he can't possibly accept within a short period of time.
At a later stage, the list could possibly be extended to refugees, stateless persons and enemy aliens.
Your wife probably finds it boring, possibly annoying, to have to recount the details of past liaisons.
It may be necessary occasionally to give an auxiliary dimension for reference, possibly for inspection.
Organizations and roles must be easy to administer and possibly rely on a Single Sign On infrastructure.
Be opposite additionally cannot join the computer of Internet, cloud safety exists in name only possibly.
另外对不能连接互联网的计算机, 云安全就可能形同虚设。
If certain tectonic plate house price adjustment arrived, will pour will possibly promote the transaction.
如果某些板块房价调整到位了, 倒可能会促进交易。
A child must learn to discriminate between the possibly justifiable acton and the absolutely correct action.
Any move to the hightrust equilibrium is going to require its own, possibly costly, attempt at coordination.
As a result of chloric be absorbed by human body through the skin, cause other physiology problem possibly also.
由于氯通过皮肤被人体吸收, 也可能引发其他生理问题。
Possibly the only way to prevent Alzheimer's is to stop the plaques from forming decades before any symptoms appear.
A person who is unfilial to his parents and disrespectful to his elders cannot possibly attain blessings and protection.
We have evidence from, morphology, archeology, ethnology , ethnography, linguistics, genetics and even possibly from botany.
我们有来自人类, 地质, 语言, 遗传甚至植物学的证据。
Therefore, the different characteristics of religious hospitals possibly affect the persistency of their organizational commitments.
By the end of the day, sterling had gone, possibly assisted by a large piece of mergers and acquisitions finance, but Mr Brown hadnt.