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单词 pornography 例句大全,用单词pornography造句:

Is the excessive that appeal toy is guilty of unpardonable evil, debauch and pornography provided
情趣玩具是十恶不赦, 放荡与色情的淫具吗?
Go in for healthy and cultured entertainments, and say no to pornography, gambling and drugs.
It has raised the awareness of website managers that public distribution of pornography is illegal.
它增加了公众意识的网站管理者, 分布的色情是违法的。
This is the case of network children pornography with the biggest dimensions that Austrian heretofore uncovers.
The business administration bureau has chastised pornography vendors to prevent them from violating the law again.
Sadly, it does not, and that fleeting moment of peak fertility drives everything from fashion to pornography to war.
Announcement requirement, next sound of every low common, bawdy pornography is same like goods wearing, capture and destroy by melting or burning.
通知要求, 凡低俗, 淫秽色情音像制品一律下架, 收缴和销毁。

单词 pornography 释义

  • 单词释义:色情文学;色情描写  [更多..]



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