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单词 postpone 例句大全,用单词postpone造句:

you will always tend to postpone and postpone, and eventually it gets too late.
你将一直拖延拖延 直到有一天已经太迟了。
The increasing of nitrogenous fertilizer would postpone the boll opening period.
We agree to postpone the shipping date, considering there is no steamer recently.
由于最近无船, 咱们同意推迟装期。
We thus appreciate the sponsors' decision to postpone consideration of this item.
This opposition in the cabinet caused Lincoln to postpone action on the Fox plan.
Jennifer decided to postpone her graduation and to get some work experience first.
The result suggested that low temperature could postpone the appearance of browning.
That has forced the government to postpone meeting its public debt and deficit targets.
You have chosen to install using the Express method and to postpone long filename creation.
Postpone important decisions, as married or divorced or changing jobs, until you feel better.
You may be able to postpone a necessary confrontation for a day or two, but it's not advisable.
These tasks are vital and we cannot afford either to approach them too hastily or to postpone them.
The inside small slide block will recede first and the parent slide block have to postpone sliding.
此处大滑块上走小滑块, 小滑块要先退, 大滑块要做延迟。
If you think about it, the tasks which you tend to postpone will generally fall into two categories.
如果你仔细思考一下, 就能把待完成的任务分成两类。
Postpone puppy vaccinations until 22 weeks or 16 weeks at the earliest as recommended by Dr. Pitcairn.
ask Why wash clothing liquid with permanent day to wash clothing may postpone the old time of clothing.
The General Assembly decided to postpone the consideration of this report to a later date to be announced.
大会决定推迟审议该报告, 日期另行通知。
While a virus forced Foreman to postpone her pro debut three weeks ago, she has vowed to quickly resume her career.
the result indicated that coated fertilizer could postpone the release time of fertilizer than ordinary fertilizer.
Postpone aging, nourish the skin, stimulate saliva and reduce thirst, relax muscles and accelerate blood circulation.
Along with sow to expect of postpone after, pull out the stanza period caulis thick lower with leaf's area gradually.
Objective To enhance the quality of life of cirrhosis of liver patients and to postpone the proceeding of the disease.
提高肝硬化病人的生活质量, 延缓病情的进程。
Ensure appropriate participants at the Meeting. Postpone the meeting rather than holding a meeting without critical staff members.
为了提高会议决策效率, 需要确保会议关键人员到场。
Every duty and good work, which it is requisite to perform, they should accomplish while within that day, and not postpone for the tomorrow.
种种义务和善功, 都要奉行, 今日能完成的, 不可拖延到明日。
the combination of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer and organic fertilizer can substantially postpone the speed of decrepitude of winter wheat.

单词 postpone 释义

  • 单词释义:使延期,延缓;把…放在次要地位;把…放在后面  [更多..]



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