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单词 pointed 例句大全,用单词pointed造句:

For all skills apart from straddle jumps, the legs should be kept together with the toes pointed.
Its characteristic features include the pointed arch, the ribbed vault and the flying buttress.
Pertinently pointed out the government, enterprises and industry association shall adopt measures.
The authors pointed out that periosteal new bone formation appeared during the course of azotemia.
Not only does this give a broader appearance to the top of the head it softens the pointed forehead.
A congenital abnormality of the skull in which the top of the head assumes a conical or pointed shape.
尖头畸形头颅的一种先天性畸形, 头的顶部形成锥形或尖形
It analyzed the importance of gate dimension and pointed out that the gate size must be easy to revise.
The importance of control to time of caustic soda corrosion and anodic oxide technology is pointed out.
How ungrateful then that, as the talks limp towards collapse, accusing fingers are being pointed at America.
Finally the realistic meaning of adopting residual sludge to produce compound fertilizer is also pointed out.
At last, the direction of development and the prospects of applications of ensemble forecast are pointed out.
The bazoo that uses you is pointed gently glide his alvine, chest, kiss him next cervical on the right side of.
用你的鼻尖轻轻滑过他的小腹, 胸膛, 然后亲吻他颈部的右侧。
Finally, the existent problems of the architecture are listed and the potential research direction is pointed out.
Finally, the existing problems in using of dimethyl ether as aerosol propellant and its solutions were pointed out.
It is pointed out that with the increasing of foundation coefficient and damping coefficient, the amplitude reduces.
Some defects of the improvement measure have been analyzed and suggestions have been pointed out for the betterment.
It was pointed out that by mixing with antifreeze agents in the latex after synthesis was more simple and effective.
At this, the police pointed out ironically that this would hardly be necessary as the men were already under arrest.
Meanwhile it is pointed out that the nonlinear inversion method, which is of stronger adaptability, should be studied.
It was pointed out that the industrialization of thermosensitive fiber should be accelerated by technological renovation.
It is pointed out that there may exist another geothermal field in the plunging part of the east limb of Wudang Anticline.
It was pointed out that there was no way in a literal schema definition to determine that something was a serialized array.
He pointed out that in a few years the issue of an aging population in the Russian society will become more and more salient.
他指出, 几年之后, 俄社会人口老年化问题将十分突出。
The design and detect process of photoelectric theodolite are analyzed, and the insufficiencies of the process are pointed out at first.
分析了现在光电经纬仪的研发和检测过程, 指出了其不足。
Insisting on the aesthetic view point of taking evilness for beauty, Baudelaire pointed out that there was beauty in ugliness and evilness meant beauty.

单词 pointed 释义

  • 单词释义:尖的,尖锐的;严厉的,直截了当的;突出的;显然的  [更多..]



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