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单词 poison 例句大全,用单词poison造句:

In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.
Before QC, they would add fakes real stuff, now we have QC, they are adding poison.
没有质检部门时只是掺假, 有质检部门时还要掺毒。
Methods Clinical materials of7 cases of paraquat poison were reviewed and analysed.
The food was analysed root and branch and found to contain small amounts of poison.
Because he sucked the poison of a viper, he will be killed by the fangs of an adder.
Alchemy stone of immunity grants magical attribute of poison resistance on accessories.
An adult might be very ill from the sting, but a baby could easily die from the poison.
This mage create a Poison Golem, a metal giant made of dark alloys from the Underworld.
Fighting poison with poison is a very important method used for environmental treatment.
One pinhead of the pufferfish poison is sufficient to kill a full grown adult male human.
You this is elfin, make me medium your love poison does not agree tardy however antidote!
But his hospital's specialists also admitted they might NEVER know the identity of the poison.
但是, 医院的专家也承认他们可能永远不会知道是哪种毒药。
Their poison is like the poison of a serpent they are like the deaf adder that stopper her ear
他们的毒气, 好象蛇的毒气他们好象塞耳的聋虺。
An antidote against poison, especially a confection formerly held to be an antidote to all poisons.
解毒药解除毒性的解毒剂, 尤指用来对付一切毒药的解毒膏
Moreover, it proposes views and ideas of administrating the Dashahe bottom sediment poison pollution.
Some possibility because the agrochemical sprayed the excessiveness, the person ate and would poison.
Attempting to administer poison, or shooting, or attempting to shoot or drown, etc., with intent to murder
Necromancer Enhanced the damage and decreased duration for Poison Dagger, Poison Explosion and Poison Nova.
Whoever endangers public security by setting fires, breaching dikes, causing explosions, administering poison
放火, 决水, 爆炸, 投毒
Now that the Administration is drinking poison to quench thirst of this type of development is a cause for concern.
GC analysis of dimethoate in blood and the percentage clearance of the poison by hemoperfusion with membrane activated charcoal
Centipedes, snakes and scorpions are venomous, but, when properly used, they cure disease by combating poison with poison, don't they?
蜈蚣蛇蝎是毒虫, 但用得其当不也能以毒攻毒地治病吗?
Eye Skin Row Poison Oil Neroli Sandalwood fennel Activate a skin, cancellation toxin, and alleviate the eye department the skin incidence.
活化眼部肌肤, 消除毒素, 减轻眼部肌肤负担。
Experimental Study on the Effect of Reinforcing Body Resistance and Elimination Poison of Acupuncture on Morphine Abstinence Syndrome in Rats
We adopt the opening country method and turning the stick method to learn the effect of the freshman quits poison capsule on the activity of the small mice.

单词 poison 释义

  • 单词释义:毒物;毒药;精神毒药  [更多..]



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