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单词 podium 例句大全,用单词podium造句:

Were all anxious to hear Mrs. Smiths remarks, so let us all welcome her to the podium.
我们都渴望听听史密斯夫人的讲话, 让我们欢迎她上台。
Can you see Maria dancing on the podium over there ?She's really going for it tonight!
The president received a standing ovation from the audience when he walked to the podium.
奥巴马走向讲台时, 听众起立鼓掌。
To allow natural lighting to the lower deck, part of the podium would be made with glass.
First ladies normally do not appear at the White House podium to talk about events abroad.
Were all anxious to hear Mrs. Zhuang Weis remarks, so let us all welcome her to the podium.
我们都盼望听到庄薇女士说几句话, 所以让我们欢迎她上台。
Speeches, however, are delivered from a podium, with the speaker looking down at his audience.
I am happy to have made it to the podium once again, even if this time I needed a heavy dose of luck.
很高兴能够再次登上领奖台, 虽然这次我的运气不错。
Study on Raft and Superstructure Column Internal Force of Tall Building with Podium and Soil Due to Interaction
Thank Premire Wen for coming to the podium and thank you for i the differences, especially on the boundary issues?

单词 podium 释义

  • 单词释义:表演台;讲台;乐队指挥台;领奖台  [更多..]



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