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单词 poll 例句大全,用单词poll造句:

I took a straw poll among my colleagues to find out how many can use chopsticks.
Over all, the poll portrays a nation torn by conflicting impulses and confusion.
Normally you don't poll voltages at pins that have no sensors connected to them.
When the user clicks a poll list item in the home page, the answers page displays.
If you poll the queue continually, you will receive all three messages eventually.
The poll was conducted as part of the Science Museums events to mark its centenary.
The neck should be raised and gracefully arched, with the poll as the highest point.
A Houston Chronicle poll showed him losing to the Democrat in the upcoming election.
But an external threat cannot justify the crass debauchery of the presidential poll.
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Overseas press has raised controversial points there is no doubt about rigging the poll.
According to a latest poll, Americans are optimistic about the second Bush Administration.
根据最新的民意调查, 美国人对第二届布什政府持乐观态度。
Trade unions are regarding the poll as a test of the public's confidence in the government.
They played the Old Year out with Auld Lang Syne and the New Year in with Poll Out the Barrel.
他们演奏友谊地久天长辞旧岁, 演奏滚琵笆桶迎新年。
He said the poll was financed by a group of private businesses, which he declined to identify.
他说民意测验由民营企业资助, 他拒绝透露是谁。
Civic Platforms poll ratings have dipped a bit, mainly to the benefit of the Democratic Left.
The Yamen runners came to each house to ask for poll tax according to the number of people there.
The content of taxation in Qing Dynasty consisted in basically poll tax and tax of grain on land.
Poll then selection class is beautiful, did a tax, single out the most beautiful two schoolgirls.
于是投票评选班花, 闹了一节课, 选出最漂亮的两女生。
Bell said the results of the poll show people are still having difficulty dealing with technology.
贝尔说, 调查结果显示, 人们在应对技术方面仍有困难。
The poll tax, a tax of the same amount from each person, made the masses suffer untold misery and hardship.
The poll suggests that the strongest unsatisfied appetite for home computers isn't among the richest consumers.
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A World Almanac Poll once found that the Chicago-based advice columnist was the most influential woman in the United States.
Especially double cease the food market of day, it is ear of Beijing antrum be linked together really, poll assemble is moved, jostle each other in a crowd.

单词 poll 释义

  • 单词释义:民意调查;投票选举;投票数  [更多..]



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