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单词 plunder 例句大全,用单词plunder造句:

the act of invading the act of an army that invades for conquest or plunder.
The thieves are often armed and in some cases have killed for their plunder.
Instinctively, they feel that legal plunder is concealed by generalizing it.
One basis for legal plunder, in other words, is themisguided spirit of theft.
换言之, 合法掠夺的基础, 是被误导的盗窃精神。
Lag and decline has sharpened European class conflict, plunder become choice.
落后和衰落促使欧洲阶级矛盾激化, 对外掠夺成为选择。
For the Lord will take up their case and will plunder those who plunder them.
The acceptance of these arguments will build legal plunder into a whole system.
They plunder branches knocked down in storms, but can also climb trees to feed.
Woe to the city of blood, full of lies, full of plunder, never without victims!
The war against illegal plunder has been fought since the beginning of the world.
He a dutiful disposition in sending her always a large share of the plunder he made.
But all the livestock and the plunder from their cities we carried off for ourselves.
惟有一切牲畜和城中的财物, 都取为自己的掠物。
She faces charges of helping to plunder her country's treasury of billions of dollars.
The soldiers, having sacked the village, gave loose rein to their passion for plunder.
The surviving Trojan women were divided among the Greek men along with the other plunder.
After so many years of neglect and plunder, the past glory of Koguryo is fast disappearing.
And, in all sincerity, can anything more than the absence of plunder be required of the law?
This is the portion of those who plunder us, And the allotment of those who take us as spoil.
这是掳掠我们之人所得的份, 是抢夺我们之人的天命。
Stoats, ferrets and weasels continue to plunder the birds, which exist uniquely in New Zealand.
plunder the silver! plunder the gold! The supply is endless, the wealth from all its treasures!
Is there even one of these positive legal actions that does not contain the principle of plunder
Our wives and children will be taken as plunder. Wouldn't it be better for us to go back to Egypt ?
During inspiration plunder or in the process of creation, play fast and loose is its form of expression.
在灵感掠取或创作过程中, 反复无常是它的表现形式。
The second, and far more dangerous, source of legal plunder is the arrogant mentality of the social engineer.
第二个, 要危险得多, 合法掠来源于社会工程师们的傲慢心态。
On the Cruel Plunder Caused by the Large Scale Mining and Taxation in the Wanli Era of the Ming Dynasty and Its Influence

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