All whole frozen kosher poultry must have the metal seal plumb a on the wing.
Vertical diagonal time section a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line.
Additional tools which will be required are metre stick plumb line and compass.
The Application of Eleccontrolled Storage Pressure Plumb Load Method in Axle Test
Please top the port boom inboard to plumb the next set of cargo, over the hatchway.
be a capable fitter able to plumb hoses and piping in a neat and professional manner.
Clear, Plumb, Moist and SmoothTeachers should lay stress on aspirate and pronunciation
清晰饱满, 字润珠圆教师要重视吐字归音
Applicable to the wasted electric cables and wires with shield of plastic or plumb sheet.
Study on Influence of Plumb Line Deflection on Transverse Breakthrough Survey of Tunnels.
This changed landscape puts the sovereign wealth funds in a plumb position They have cash.
God will stretch out over Edom the measuring line of chaos and the plumb line of desolation.
耶和华必将空虚的准16绳, 混沌的线铊, 拉在其上。
Crab apple flowers stand besides Yulan flowers shyly, red plumb and green thin, cute after rain.
Inferior oblique dislocation and partial resection for correction of largeangle plumb decline in 32 cases
Figure 1 for first the order impact post plumb prinipal rebound acceleration from arrive the negative transient process.
Its a good time to plumb your depths and decide how youd like to shape your coming birthday year, starting at Junes end.
这是观照内心的好时机, 想想你将如何迎接即将到来的生日。
We fuse independent technique under intellectual property rights , like gathering the plumb information and compositive search, etc.
融合垂直信息聚合, 集成搜索等自主知识产权技术
Aboard, in the seventies, American Oil company has been done the experiment for beamforming in Tulsa, Oklahoma, mainly aimed deepground plumb.