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单词 pitcher 例句大全,用单词pitcher造句:

A container, such as a pail or pitcher, that is used for carrying beer.
装啤酒的容器, 如桶或酒罐。
Byrd is a better out wire pitcher, his firing distance scope is bigger.
伯德是一名更棒的外线投手, 他的射程范围更大。
Tadpoles of a new species of microfrog swim in a Bornean pitcher plant.
Can we get some chips and a pitcher of margaritas while we're deciding.
The batsman made a good hit. this pitcher throws more strikes than balls.
This guy takes a whole pitcher of beer and drinks it in under 15 seconds.
As the pitcher in a baseball game, it is important to pitch the ball well.
The catcher spat onto Robinson's shoes, and the pitcher eyed him hatefully.
捕手朝他得球鞋吐痰, 投手则用憎恶得眼光瞪着他。
Combine all ingredients into a pitcher with ice and sprigs of fresh aglass.
The batter was fooled by the pitcher and let it go past for a called strike.
击球手受投手的愚弄, 让球过去了, 算一次好球。
The biggest problem was that Italy starting pitcher was good and ours was bad.
Actualization of Dust Collection Design of Tapping Hole and Hot Metal Pitcher of BF.
Her silverware consists of knives, forks, spoons, a water pitcher, and candlesticks.
Most of the time, the spectator's attention is focused on the pitcher and the batter.
多数时候, 观众的注意力锁定于击球手和投手。
Then a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim.
Use a pitcher with an refreshed carbon percolate to reduce contaminants in your water.
The man to the right of the pitcher standing near first base is called the first baseman.
Couldn't you or I lounge in a baseball dugout and decide whether the pitcher should bunt?
When a pitcher throws a good pitch that the batter is unable to hit, it's called a strike.
当投球手投出一个好球而击球手没有击中, 则称为一击。
He then pulled out a pitcher of water, which he poured into the jar filling it to the brim.
A basket was being carried at one end of the shoulder pole, and a water pitcher at the other.
扁担的一头挑着篮子, 另一头挂着水罐。
Combine all ingredients into a pitcher with ice and sprigs of fresh mint. Serve in a wine glass.
Liberals invented the designated hitter rule because it wasn't fair to make the pitcher also bat.
The coach burned his bridges in the ninth inning by putting in a pinch hitter for his best pitcher.
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单词 pitcher 释义

  • 单词释义:大水罐;投掷的人  [更多..]



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