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单词 pitching 例句大全,用单词pitching造句:

Pitching more innings was the main reason Chamberlain said he wanted to go back to starting.
The different performances of simulating image in different pitching angle are investigated.
分析了不同的俯仰角和深度条件下, 仿真图像的不同特征。
Application of Ditch Slope Pitching Method in Area with High Underground Water Table and Quicksand.
Without authorization, pitching stalls, making a living as a performer or engaging in sales activity.
Effects of tailplane turn on the unsteady aerodynamic of the aircraft pitching in very large amplitude
The calculation has provided that in the nonuniform flow field the curve of pitching moment may be distorted.
The Yankees side of this equation has been easy to deduce beyond just adding more highlevel pitching prospects.
洋基队这方面的问题很简单, 就是想增加优秀的年轻投手。
Applying this approach to the pitching channel of a unmanned aircraft, its control law reconfiguration is studied.
Having collected an army and concentrated his forces, he must Blend and harmonize the different elements thereof before pitching his camp.
合军聚众, 交和而舍, 莫难于军争。
Numerical Investigation of Unsteady Aerodynamic Characteristics of Pitching Delta Wings Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Circular Saw Blades

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