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单词 plait 例句大全,用单词plait造句:

The plaits are divided into several smaller plaits, but a concentric plait is always formed.
Additionally one kind of meshy furrow resembles gauze same, plait mark is petty but apparent.
另外一种网状皱纹像纱布一样, 褶痕细小但明显。
Sallow and emaciated, firm flower plait, but is very confused, the facial expression be diffused.
面黄肌瘦, 扎着花辫, 却甚是零乱, 表情苍茫。
Double E, is always beard to blow a blind plait, you couldn't begin seeing ahead to Xia girl to live ?
A plait hundreds of years, close a door to build a car to play, ascend country a day a dynasty greatness.
一条辫子数百年, 关着门造着车玩, 上国天朝何伟大。
The system software design includes a single slice a plait distance with two parts of machine calculator.
Look from the front fold break conjoint curved surface, lady having a place the imply of 100 plait skirt.
从正面看折折相连的曲面, 有点女士百褶裙的意味。
Craft elucidation Application of plait In the lotus leaf side, use Tibetan ornament and feather in part.
We again be not the profession measure colourful and plait distance of superior, have to free step by step.
咱们又不是专业测彩和编程的高手, 只好有空一步步来。
Like big arc, cent segment angle, continuous change angles etc. all ability pass plait distance to realization.
如大圆弧, 分段角度, 连续变角度等均能通过编程来实现。
These receive benefit in the advance of the tool of development, the norm of the plait distance technique turns.
这得益于开发工具的进步, 编程技术的规范化。
The bamboo plait handicraft product category is numerous, ancient of shape, the beauty is practical, is a best handicraft product.

单词 plait 释义

  • 单词释义:把…编成辫绳;给…打褶;编织  [更多..]



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