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单词 plan 例句大全,用单词plan造句:

The plan is for the old, abandoned Beichuan be turned into a memorial site and attraction.
The Belgian Government had discussed the draft plan at length and had adopted a final plan.
The plan also comprises a calendar, which commences with the signing of the plan on8 April.
This question examines your ability to plan ahead and meet your plan with specific actions.
The planet Onyx is virtually abandoned and the perfect place to set this new plan in motion.
奥妮克斯星表面上荒无人烟, 是展开新行动的绝佳场所。
Constituting and arranging weekly training plan, monthly training pan, yearly training plan.
Check, approve production plan, MRP, purchasing plan, payment plan and purchasing application.
The telegraphic plan doesn't give full thorough particulars. I'm making the draft cargo plan now.
Make foreign staffs'training plan, audit the Annual performance and budget plan the implementation.
负责外教培训规划, 审核年度工作和预算计划, 组织实施。
Therefore, we do not have any immediate plan to abolish or suspend the application of death penalty.
To prepare monthly plan of construction capital, and make the payment in accordance with daily plan.
Where each group passes the draft restructure plan, the restructure plan will be deemed as passed.
Abbreviations of frequently used doublesyllables are the major part of Chinese Braille abbreviation plan.
Expect success, plan to achieve it and plan to exceed it right from the early stages of your business planning.
Plan Chinas LLW navigation will be redesigned in an intuitive manner to meet Plan Chinas target audience needs.
The training plan management supervise the implement of training plan , achieve the rate of training implement.
Any modification on an approved plan must be reviewed and approved by the organ that originally approved the plan.
规划的修改, 必须经原批准机关核准。
A voter asks if he supports the Fair Tax, a plan to abolish all income taxes and replace them with a consumption tax.
一选民问他是否支持交易税时, 他说支持。
Second, the plan for the first battle must be the prelude to, and an organic part of, the plan for the whole campaign.
The annual plan of the headquarters of the enterprise shall be listed separately in the overall enterprise annuity plan.
Whatever the planning method or the form of the plan, unlearning will very likely be needed to effectively use that plan.
General product plan and the interfacing plan, as well as the description and function analysis of the selected technology.
Gods plan for your life is not discovered through some emotional sensation. His plan for your life is practical, not mystical.
Would you plan and plan before you ever wrote a word? Would your plans be so extensive that you never even got to the writing?
The production planner is responsible to formulate the trial production and batch production plan for the new product per the project plan.

单词 plan 释义

  • 单词释义:计划;规划;详图;平面图;分布图;投资方式  [更多..]



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