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单词 player 例句大全,用单词player造句:

At the end of any player's turn, put a ablation counter on the artifact being ablation.
在每个玩家结束时, 放置一个侵蚀指示物到受侵蚀的神器上。
The Michael case that another ace player is magic team pulls Adidasi the base of fruit.
It will take her a long time to acquire the skills she needs to become a famous player.
Warriors Overpower dims on the action bar when the player is affected by disarm spells.
How can you motivate a person to be a team player after a long period of time as a loner
Grand Master Blacksmith First player on the realm to achieve 448 skill in blacksmithing.
Each player takes it in turns to pick off the opposing player using different jelly bombs.
At present up to, Ataisite is absolutely in the field displays the most outstanding player.
The demographics of our player base are proof that we succeeded in accomplishing this goal.
As an ace chess player meets his peer, so a general finds his own match in military talent.
If the dealer has an ace he plays his hand and compares it to each individual player's hand.
A peking opera player cannot achieve eminence unless he or she can sing and sing excellently.
To date, no computer has been able to achieve a skill level beyond that of the casual player.
Demote Select a player on the list and hit demote to demote that player one rank in the guild.
This multi player mode puts a complete new and different game playoriginal single player game.
Kicking a player from a guild now properly deactivates the guild and alliance tabs for that player.
Accordingly, the player does not search for the original ball walks directly toward his provisional ball.
Adding fuel to the third round I was selected abstained player lost the equivalent of half a game of chess.
In this mode, the player is able to unleash their firepower with the accuracy provided by a firstperson camera.
在这个模式里, 玩家将通过第一人称的视角来开放火力。
I adore the way that he picks up the opposing player that he has just clattered into by the scruff of the neck.
我崇拜他, 他把刚刚因为拼抢撞倒在地的对手友好的拉起来。
Two red cards for violent or abusive conduct will automatically eliminate a player from remainder of tournament.
This four person band is made up of a saxophone player, a drum player, a harmonica player and a tambourine player.
An advanced player may prefer a flexible racquet because he or she has a long, fast swing and provides plenty of power.
When sending a player out on a loan which involves a fee, the club cannot recall the player for the duration of the loan.
Taunt Related to Aggro. An ability that allows a player to pull the attention of a monster off of another player and onto him or herself.

单词 player 释义

  • 单词释义:演员;[体]运动员;[音]演奏者;播放机  [更多..]



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