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单词 police 例句大全,用单词police造句:

A man told the police where the thieves were hiding, so the police finally caught up with them.
有人将盗贼窝藏的地方告发了, 因此警察终于逮捕了他们。
The thief's accomplise ran away at the sight of the police, abandoning his watch and his friend.
To Improve the Inner Drive of Police is the Key Point for Constructing Police Force with Quality
The characteristics of patrolling police's work determine special requirements on police quality.
Ankang police gathered more than 200 police officers to surround the mountain and search for him.
Parader and police produce conflict, 147 people meet with sequestered, a police officer gets hurt.
He announced the cancellation of all police leave, and to mobilize support around the London police.
他宣布取消所有警察的休假, 并调集各地警力支援伦敦。
Allocate police force in preference, and give play to the united function of various kinds of police.
The Chinese police and administration is the general designation of the police and government affairs.
The police practice shows that there is room for the assistant police to exist and develop rationally.
Police used the police tried to set the buffer zone is bounded by the two sides separated by the Elbe.
The forerunner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police , the Northwest Mounted Police, kept the peace.
Police later detained a person at the Los Angeles International Airport police spokeswoman Karen Raynar.
A spokesman for Londons Metropolitan Police declined to say whether police were looking for Mr. Assange.
The police claimed the police car at the shooting scene had bullet holes from shots fired by the accused.
The station is staffed by interim police officers, who are complemented by UNMIL civilian police advisers.
On one occasion, he was taken to a police station by police officers and was forced to leave his bag outside.
有一次, 警官将他带到警所, 强迫他把手提包留在外面。
The Chief of Police pointed out the impact of a dysfunctional judiciary on the effectiveness of the police force.
Being questioned by the police was a novel experience. Being questioned by the police was a new experience for him.
The independent expert visited the police station and holding cells, escorted by the governor and the police warden.
A telescopic police baton, belonging to the police supplies, comprises an outer tube, a middle tube and an inner core.
An Elementary Discussion on Regularized Cultivation of Staff of Traffic Police and Cruising Police in the New Situation
I would therefore recommend an expansion of the civilian police advisory unit to a total number of eight police advisers.
Talking about the criminal investigative basic work after the police substation and criminal police team relations changed
The police sends Inspector Mina Ho to investigate, and she suspects Wai as one of the Kidnappers.Mina also asks Mrs.Tse to cooperate with the police, but Mrs.

单词 police 释义

  • 单词释义:警察部门;警方;警察;治安  [更多..]



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