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单词 pinch 例句大全,用单词pinch造句:

I will bite it, pinch it, put my finger Chrysanthemum your hole, gently caress.
我会咬它, 捏它, 把我的手指插入你的菊花洞, 温柔地抚摸。
And he took another gentle little pinch of snuff, and lightly crossed his legs.
In a mixing bowl put flour, sugar, pinch of salt, soft butter and lukewarm milk.
You can such on candy or pinch nose gently while breathing out. That shall help.
您可以含块糖或边轻捏鼻子边呼气, 会管用的。
Some children with wet sand castle, sand pinch with some glutinous rice balls in it!
Water pinch technology can be used for optimizing circulating cooling water systems.
运用水夹点技术, 对循环冷却水系统进行优化。
She always has an ax to grind. You should take whatever she says with a pinch of salt
她总是居心叵测, 对她说的话你得多留神
When the chili peppers are 30 centimeters high, pinch the tops off with your fingers.
She always has an ax to grind. You should take whatever she says with a pinch of salt.
她总是心怀叵测, 对她说的话你得多留神。
A pinch of baking soda added to tomato recipes can help cut down the acid in the recipe.
She would rub his back and neck, press herself against him and pinch him on the backside.
However, there a vast chasm between helping out in a pinch and being overly accommodating.
A pinch added to tomato sauce while cooking, or coffee while brewing, will reduce acidity.
And of course, there is no unemployment benefit or state support for those feeling the pinch.
当然, 那些手头拮据的人是得不到失业救济金或政府资助的。
Please pinch me now, the action led me to confirm that Im not dreaming now! ! ! ! !
The coach burned his bridges in the ninth inning by putting in a pinch hitter for his best pitcher.
I just ate my chocolate mousse with a pinch of salt, as you suggested, and its absolutely disgusting!
我照你的建议在巧克力蛋糕里放进去一撮盐, 太难吃了!
A tea cup, a pinch of dried melon seeds and a heap of water chestnut shells were in front of each of them.
膝前一张矮桌, 每人面前一只茶杯, 一撮瓜子, 一大堆菱角壳。
Place two egg yolks in a bowl and a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt, beat the mixture until it is thick
The combination form of the fiber is a pinch of tows with a plurality of tows accumulated in the same direction.
Some professional pastry chefs suggest adding a pinch of salt with the raw egg whites at the beginning of beating.
In a blender, combine chopped greens, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 ice cubes and a pinch of salt and blend until smooth.
混合芫荽的绿色物质, 两汤匙橄榄油与少量盐。
You would do better to treat any romantic invitations with a pinch of salt, considering the position of the planets today.
The principle and basic theory of MEN are introduced. Water pinch, hydrogen pinch and property pinch are emphasized in the review.
While I don't remember exactly how old I was, I do remember that when people saw me with my grandfather they would pat me on the head and give my cheek a pinch-things they didn't do to my grandfather.

单词 pinch 释义

  • 单词释义:捏,掐;挤痛,夹痛;使(植物)枯萎,凋谢;使紧缺,节制  [更多..]



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