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单词 pillow 例句大全,用单词pillow造句:

Design and Construction of Submerged Dam by Plastic Soil Pillow
Quilt covers, pillow covers, disposable bath cap and bedspread.
棉被袋, 枕头袋, 一次性浴帽, 床罩。
I crouched in the big bag, i grab the pillow because of my ache.
Pillow type packer, vertical type automatic granule packer, etc, .
如枕式包装机, 立式自动颗粒包装机等。
Sub grass and bamboo charcoal and saracen corn for children pillow
All clothing, bags, pillow are personally designed by the architect.
Or have you got a picture of Auntie Muriel stashed under your pillow
Main products silicone toothbrush, towels, bath towels, pillow covers.
主打产品硅胶牙刷, 毛巾被, 浴巾, 枕巾。
On New Year's eve, pillow to welcome the New Year's firecrackers asleep.
Use complete barrier covering systems on your mattress, duvet and pillow.
严密罩上你的床垫, 被子和枕头。
Can the pillow of core of pillow hawkthorn seed fall really blood pressure
Nina managed to free herself and began beating at the flames with a pillow.
She was dead on her feet and fell asleep the minute her head hit the pillow.
她已经精疲力尽了, 所以头一粘枕头就睡着了。
The kick drum may have a pillow resting up against the inside bass drum head.
If you place an apple under your pillow you will dream of your future husband.
Expert proposal, pillow core at least biennially is changed, bask in every week.
Today, to vent some of my anger, I punched my thin pillow as hard as I could.
Even if is the man, also not all appreciates to embroider the flowered the pillow.
即便是男人, 也不全都欣赏一个绣花的枕头。
If appeared one of above circumstance, your pillow was changed with respect to this.
假如出现了以上情况中的一种, 你的枕头就该换了。
She hides cotton balls under her pillow, under her bed sheet, and anywhere she rests.
她把棉球藏在枕头下, 被单里, 和所有她休息过的地方。
Armand pulled a roll of papers from beneath his pillow, then put it back immediately.
阿尔芒从枕头下面取出一卷纸, 但立刻又把它放了回去。
She hurriedly put her work aside, and laid her head down on his pillow, caressing him.
她急忙把活计抛开, 把头伏在他的枕头上, 爱抚着他。
Pillow core is featured in cloud mountain fujian tea for auxiliary in jasmine padding.
A few color hold pillow in the arms colorfully , resemble a flower, adorn one room.
Terrible see, saying only is to drink water to be aspersed not carefully on the pillow.
又怕人看见, 只说是喝水不小心洒在枕头上。

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