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单词 picket 例句大全,用单词picket造句:

even if you so legit that you get a house with a dog and a picket fence
即使你这样合法的, 你得到一个狗房子和栅栏
However he has visions of a happy life with kids and a white picket fence.
And of course, your white picket fence, just like you always dreamed about.
还有就是 你的白色栅栏,跟你梦想中的一个样。
A liege succession caused one picket the mystery case of two many centuries.
We walked through the gate of the picket fence and proceeded to look around.
a promise that led workers to picket lines, and women to reach for the ballot.
这个承诺把工人们领往纠察线, 让女人取得选举权。
Constructional Technique of Engineeringoriented Drill in BigDiameter Picket Bore
Record the value for the Mean of the acceleration of the picket fence in the Data Table.
Dwell of poetic flavour ground is resided, can calculate one picket the living ideal 2005.
Chinese picket line in front of a Japanese shop in Chinatown, san Francisco, to boycott Japanese commodities.
Do you feel frustration at the thought of leading an average life i. e. marriage, 0 children, picket white fence syndrome.
It was half the fault of some of the girls trying to picket the gate, and half the fault of that perisher Chien Paosheng throwing a spanner in the works!
一半是女工里有人拦厂门, 一半是钱葆生那混蛋的把戏!

单词 picket 释义

  • 单词释义:罢工纠察员;警戒队;[建]尖木桩;[军]步哨,哨兵  [更多..]



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