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单词 pic 例句大全,用单词pic造句:

Little hero, is the middle paw of Kao blade in the first pic.
Customizable Themes able to put a different pic on each blade.
自定义主题, 可以单独设置每个菜单页面。
No doubt she is top heavy. I like her outfit in the first pic.
The pic is not clear, but it feels like drawbench silver work.
图还是看不清, 但感觉是拉丝银工艺。
In the Sims 2 pic, the floorlamp only lights up half the chair.
The third piece in the first pic is Mo Dao in legend, isn't it?
Take the jump for one more pic of this slackers device in action.
Not bad photography. The last pic has the sense of ice apex on moon.
摄影技巧也不错, 最后一图有月上冰峰之感。
Is the oxtail Dao with mixed silver fittings in pic used by officer.
Today I wanna show you guys the pic about Elfs Chimney in Cappadocia.
Be in charge of the management and appraisal of PIC department staffs.
BTW, the pic we want should be with your handsome face, no head no good.
要是规定华人每人一定要追一颗星, 我就追拉拉。
On the inside flip of your cell phone is a sticker pic of you and your man.
I post a pic for master Du.Congratulations.Wish all become rich in new year!
应独师的要求再贴一张。恭喜恭喜, 祝大家新年发大财!
This pic of Spider Web Lacing on some military boots came from Big Booted Dog.
The date on the pic is not correct. It was on Monday morning. Quite a sunny day!
照片上的日期不对, 是在星期一早上。阳光灿烂的日子。
That Dao with white rope hilt in pic is the one auctioned in Hongkong last time?
panflutejedi The ebony flute in the rear, and on the left of that pic, is for me.
乌木排箫在后面, 图片中左边的, 就是给我做的。
They also had an authentic old carriage, a perfect photo opportunity for a goofy pic!
If you can meet our requirements, please offer us your quotationand ref pic , thanks!
请能达到要求的厂家提供报价及参考图片, 谢谢!
Simulation of pulse shortening phenomena in high power microwave tube using PIC method
If you are careful enough, you can figure out that the pic is drew, but not photographed.
Pic The shape and dimension of output axis according to the customers requirements to produce.
It also is becoming hot enough to discolor with oxidation which can be seen on the full size pic.
它也正成为热点, 足以变色氧化可以视为对全尺寸照片。
Due to the low pic of this fabric, the fabric density is little bit more than of a moquito net fabric

单词 pic 释义

  • 单词释义:n.照片,电影 一种图像文件扩展名  [更多..]



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