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单词 pile 例句大全,用单词pile造句:

Construction Practice of Artificially Digging Sheet Pile Wall and Pile Well under Special Rock Conditions.
Under the vertical load, the vertical pile group has bigger bearing capacity than the battered pile group.
Influences on Pile Foundation Construction from Removing Old Bridge Foundation with Pile Extraction Method
Postconstruction Accretion Effect of Bearing Capacity for Static Prefabricated Pile of Soft Clay Foundations
The accumulative total displacements at the measuring points on the base top and pile top are somewhat high.
Discussions on the Design of Pile Foundation and Burry Methods of Ground Heat Exchanger Pipes in Bored Pile.
Construction of Pile Caps of Pushang Bridge, Fuzhou with Combined Steel Sheet Pile and Steel Boxed Cofferdam
Abstract The penetrating depth of sheet pile wall may be determined according to limit equilibrium condition.
Pile bottom pressure casting construction of drilled caisson pile with super big diameter in one super bridge
The horizontal displacement of the retaining pile body is related to the pile depth and supporting condition.
While when the spacing of two rows is too large, the back pile is just as the anchor pile for the front pile.
When the inclination angle of pile body agrees with that of the loading, the pile top displacement is minimal.
当桩身倾斜度与荷载倾斜度一致时, 桩顶沉降值最小。
The invention relates to a conical metal ground pile and belongs to the ground pile structure technical field.
The distinguish of pile crinkle neck and eduction in low strain integrity tesing reflect wave method testing pile.
Simply analyzing the burying points, familiar failures and preventive measures about acoustic pipe of the bored pile.
Installation Method for Initial Platform Applied to Extra Large Pile of Sutong Bridge and Related Pile Breaking Analysis
and after the pile sinking is finished, separating the hoop from the pile body and moving the pile driver to a next pile.
沉桩完毕, 将抱箍与桩身分开, 打桩机移至下一桩位。
In this paper a new type compaction lime soil pile as strong force rammed expansion lime soil compaction pile is introduced.
Introduce the matters need attention for design of driven compaction pile and the measures against the float upward of pile.
The pile head condition plays an important role in the distributions of the displacement and the bending moment along the pile shaft.
This paper introduces the main points of computing sheet pile wharf by considering the sheet pile as a vertical elastic foundation beam.
Expect for especial circumstance, the belled diameter of belled pile and the diameter of equaldiameter pile should not be big excessively.
扩底桩的扩底直径, 直桩的直径除特殊情况外, 不宜过大
Research on Effects of Deposition Falling with Tranquil Flow of Permeable Pile Dike for Bank Protection and Scouring Process around the Pile Position
The construction technology and quality control and the using in foundation works of prefabricated pile body compound carrier punner development pile
Dividing the bearing capacity by the cross section area of the pile endpoint, one can figure out the limited bearing capacity of the pile endpoint soil.
用该力除以桩端的横截面积, 即可求得桩端土的极限承载力。

单词 pile 释义

  • 单词释义:堆;摞;大量;高大建筑;桩;痔疮;绒面  [更多..]



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