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单词 perception 例句大全,用单词perception造句:

Anger is a defense mechanism triggered by the perception of various threats.
The public has a perception that all autistic children have special talents.
Without that awareness, there would be no perception, no thoughts, no world.
Mikel Dufrenne held that the aesthetic object is a pure object of perception.
It is all related therefore in the perception of the Amethyst Quartz Kingdom.
因此紫水晶国王觉察到, 一切都相关。
Awareness or delicate perception, especially of aesthetic qualities or values.
欣赏意识或灵敏的感知力, 尤其指审美品质或价值
Knowledge is gained by man through the senses but perception goes beyond this.
人通过感官获得知识, 而知觉比感觉更深一层。
A new method of robust detection for speech stream based on auditory perception
If the Doors of perception were sensed, every thing would appear it is infinite.
如果知觉之门得到净化, 万物将如其本来面目般无边无际。
This gives the perception of faster pages and also cuts down on bandwidth usage.
这就使人们觉得页速度加快了, 并且还减少了带宽的用量。
Study of perception of emotion from face in patients with stroke in basal ganglia
The study of artistic perception is a systematic theory of human perception of art.
A Study on the Residents'Perception and Attitude towards Ecotourism in Penghu Islands
居民对生态旅游认知与态度之研究 以澎湖列岛为例
Standardized Mandarin Sentence Perception in Babble Noise Test Materials for Children
Spiritual perception has deep influence on the later theory of the aesthetic creation.
This installation is exploring the ambivalence in the perception of human interaction.
The Captain's manner expressed a warm approval of Mr. Carker's quickness of perception.
The lauan, the walnut luster is ideal, the ground associative perception is very strong.
Use a model of the vestibular apparatus to assess perception of gravity and acceleration.
Artificial Ant Colony Based on Grayscale Grads Perception on Digital Image Edge Detection
He is denying the world of the philosophers, a world of objects beyond direct perception.
The President wants to squelch any perception that the meeting is an attempt to negotiate.
Second, auditory perception may be impaired and thereby the course of language acquisition.
第二, 听觉有损伤, 影响语言的获得。
Few writers possess the authority to discuss such issues with the perception of V.S. Naipaul.
The Basis Of Correct Knowledge Is Correct Perception, Correct Deduction And Correct Evidence.
知识包括知觉, 推论与亲证。

单词 perception 释义

  • 单词释义:知觉;觉察(力);观念;(农作物的)收获  [更多..]



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