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单词 persona 例句大全,用单词persona造句:

Giannina se considera como una persona perseverante que se propone metas y las llega a lograr.
她性格坚毅, 拟定目标就会持之而行, 达到目的。
His gentle, salt of the earth persona helped people to accept his radical and progressive art.
Excluding means that if the evaluation point is met, the persona cannot use the product at all.
The Persona class also has attributes that capture information collected through the interviews.
The artist can have more control over how his work and his own persona is presented to the public.
We wonder why there is a disconnect between our work persona and our way of communicating at home.
Such is ones nature in a dogmatic sense prior to initiation1024, or the dogmatic nature of ones persona.
The government has declared the French ambassador persona non grata and ordered him to leave the country.
To examine these questions, I carry out my works in the persona of dog though different methods and formats.
为此, 藉由不同的方法及形式, 我让我的作品戴上了狗的面具。
Dont blow too long or your onscreen persona will get lightheaded and dizzy, wasting precious candleblowing time.
Monica Lewinski became a persona non grata, at the White House, after her indiscretions with the President became known.
Doing the right exercises can actually make you increase your height and thereby improving your persona and your confidence as well.
进行正确的练习确实可以增高, 提高你的身价和自信。
Byron lives on not only in his poetry,but also in his creation of the"Byronic hero" - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man.

单词 persona 释义

  • 单词释义:人物角色;伪装的外表;[心]形象;人格面具  [更多..]



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