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单词 personally 例句大全,用单词personally造句:

I deal with clients on a daily basis, handling all aspects of their accounts personally.
我每天都跟客户打交道, 全面处理他们得私人帐户。
I personally think it is one of the most amazingly beautiful colored woods in the world.
And the family wanted to eat their own personally packet dumplings, talking arraignment!
His affable nature and ability to appeal personally to nearly everyone across party lines
This time, the emperor personally let his soldiers, buckling on his armor for the battle.
这次皇帝御驾亲征, 挂甲上阵。
Dont allow the animal to become too close to you. And dont take their behavior personally.
No personally identifiable information is shared with an advertiser in creating a Social Ad.
Mr. Obamas strongest asset right now is the goodwill Americans register about him personally.
Duke Pingyuan of Zhao planned to ask the ruler of the state of Chu personally for assistance.
Personally, I think even something that is academically criticised should be able to exist too.
You should be totally ashamed of your treatment of him, and I am personally disgusted at you.
Adams was clearly not going to budge without first talking directly to the president personally.
亚当斯在总统亲自和他交谈之前, 显然寸步不让。
In other words, political problems between the two countries affect Chinese Americans personally.
Airplanes I personally really like airplanes as another place to do any work that requires focus.
I am only studying personally under Mr. Wang, and he still hasn't agreed to take me as a disciple.
So, personally, I think accurate ethnography should still be the necessary subject of anthropology.
因此, 精细的民族志仍然应该是人类学的重点产品。
I personally feel that immigrants as early as possible, the younger the stronger the ability to adapt.
我个人觉得移民要趁早, 越年轻适应能力越强。
This option is usually used to delete specific instances that have been examined personally by an administrator.
Sincere Hope with ample new old consumer incoming telegram, come soak, come here attend personally visit guidance.
Section C must be signed by the applicant personally, otherwise this application will be treated as null and void.
President Li also personally watched Biya the double model electric automobile s solid vehicle demonstration process.
There are some people who are very arrogant but who aren't actually competent, and I personally most hate such people.
I personally was accepted into the Dept of Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics at Cambridge, i.e.Hawking's dept!
About 30 days after we received the above the prescribed documents. As soon as your application is approved, I will personally notice you.
Teachers should personally do what they've asked students to do, learn what they've asked students to learn, and follow regulations which they've asked students to follow.

单词 personally 释义

  • 单词释义:在个人看来;亲自;当面地;个别地;私人地;无礼地  [更多..]



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