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单词 perfect 例句大全,用单词perfect造句:

The mirror continues to reflect this world, which is so perfect, perfect and intact!
镜子依然照耀这个世界, 这个世界如此完美, 完美又无缺!
The children of God are entitled to the perfect comfort that comes from perfect trust.
The company has perfect quality assurance system and perfect warranty service measures.
The show featured 80 heads of lettuce, and onion necklaces made the perfect accessories.
The show featured 80 heads of lettuce, and onion necklaces made the perfect accessories.
The show featured 80 heads of lettuce, and onion necklaces made the perfect accessories.
The crowning achievement of the axiomatic approach is the theory of perfect competition.
There is no perfect time and there is no perfect place to start a difficult conversation.
永远没有完美的时刻与完美的地点 来展开艰难的对话。
At the end of that, I end up with programs that are absolutely perfect at sorting numbers.
结束时,我得到 绝对完美地分类资料的程式。
Secondly, accelerate the legislation of preschool education, perfect the legal protection.
第二, 加快幼教立法, 健全法制保障。
I have played a perfect competition, but we must achieve this point once more on Wednesday.
我踢了一场完美的比赛, 但我们必须在周三再次做到这一点。
The planet Onyx is virtually abandoned and the perfect place to set this new plan in motion.
奥妮克斯星表面上荒无人烟, 是展开新行动的绝佳场所。
I absolutely met the men in my dreams. So ladies, go ahead and burn that perfect man checklist.
真的碰到了我梦中的男子。所以各位, 快去烧掉完美男人清单。
Originated in the Loire Valley of France creating a perfect aperitif wine or accompaniment to food
High speed detection, develop perfect quality and quantity control to ensure an accurate weighing.
Finally, Bryant calmed down, and Gasol came aboard as the perfect fit for Jackson's triangle offense.
One who has achieved a state of perfect spiritual enlightenment in accordance with the teachings of Buddha.
He would acknowledge with perfect ingenuousness that his concession had been attended with such partial good.
The Cockatoo Ridge reserve shiraz 1999 a strong flavour of acinus,complexity,gradation and perfect subtle oak.
It is the slight sweetness of this wine that makes it the perfect accompaniment to Asian cuisine in particular.
酒中微甜的口感, 是亚洲美食的完美伴侣。
Available in eight different styles, these glamorous creations are the perfect accessory to a summer cocktail dress.
More than an inventor, he remains the perfect example of what can be accomplished with perseverance and little else.
Both thorough comprehension and perfect expression, however, are to be understood in relative and not absolute terms.
Harmony Statement Several Suggestions to Improve and Perfect the Compilation of National Economic Accounting Funds Flow Statement
Bide within the Law you must , in perfect Love and perfect Trust. Live you must and let to live , fairly take and fairly give.

单词 perfect 释义

  • 单词释义:完美的;十分适合的;完美无缺的;十足的;(动词)完成时的  [更多..]



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