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单词 perfection 例句大全,用单词perfection造句:

Traditional wheat stalk patch works of wonderful workmanship are regarded as the acme of perfection.
Thinking the reform and perfection the system of abandoning drug habits by reeducation through labour
In seeking the new, Singapore endeavours to change, to develop, and to improve to achieve perfection.
On Defects and Perfection of Regulations on Illegally Possessing or Concealing Any Guns or Ammunition
Sus passion in the pursuit of perfection in choral arts and his patience in conveying his idea to us.
他会不厌其烦地一遍遍反覆讲解练习, 让我们了解他的想法。
On Commercial Account and Cordial Credit On Legislative Perfection of Business Accounts in Our Country
Without having attained Buddhahood, we cannot achieve the Great Perfection in practicing filial piety.
如果不成佛, 孝字怎麽做也做不到大圆满。
The foregoing two aspects, give a contribution for the perfection of the classical poetry xing theory.
The advancement and perfection of mathematics are intimately connected with the prosperity of the State.
The dissertation focuses six aspects with reference to the perfection of the matrimonial regime in China.
The Problem of the Crime of Holding a Huge Amount of Property with Unidentified Sources and Its Perfection
The Perfection in China's Legal Systems of Circular Economy under the Background of Sustainable Development
The Black Moon's aspiration for perfection and the rigorous, exacting nature of Saturn reinforce each other.
The sculpture on the bottom of the stone tablet showcases to perfection the artistic style of the Tang Dynasty.
Her own daughter, from the slowness of her mind, was not able to attain to that perfection wherein Marina excelled.
她自己的女儿很迟钝, 总不能做到像玛丽娜那样十全十美。
Perfection is finally attained, not when there is no longer to add, But when there is no longer anything to take away
Perfection and development of auto insurance system is of great importance to the development of China auto industry.
Strives for perfection earnestly according to the abundant product, develops unceasingly, is unceasingly enterprising.
依恳丰产品精益求精, 不断开拓, 不断进取。
But caution is required when the fetter is adopted, Oxidation number is still a chemical concept for further perfection.
A conscientious artist of the first rate, Gray wrote slowly and carefully, painstakingly seeking perfection of form and phrase.
So it is necessary for legal construction and perfection to establish offense of giving false civil and administrative testimony.
In the conclusion, the author expounded the influence of the ecological security concept on the perfection of the real right law.
The Perfection of Ideal Personalities of the Confucians Prior to the Qin Dynasty and the Perfection of Contemporary Personalities
Dance inspires him ceaselessly to strive higher and higher toward the shining pinnacle of perfection that is the goal of every artiste.
This paper introduces the definition of temperatures standard, especially to the relation between gas temperatures standard of absolute perfection and temperatures standard of thermodynamics.

单词 perfection 释义

  • 单词释义:完美;完善;最后加工;圆满  [更多..]



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