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单词 percussion 例句大全,用单词percussion造句:

You appeared in, percussion heavy weapons at monsters who say lament, and they disappeared.
你出现了, 重重的武器敲击在怪物身上, 一声悲鸣, 它们消失了。
Chest percussion and vibration are used with postural drainage to help dislodge secretions.
gradually thick darkness, lonely percussion, so that stemming the flow of the text quietly.
夜色渐渐浓重, 寂寞的敲击, 让文字静静地流泄。
Study on the trace of percussion cap of shotgun bullet shell case on firing pin after firing
Blasting Fuse Forehead Percussion Mechanism Automatic Assembly Machine's Control System Design
The invention of percussion compositions for igniting powders is usually attributed to Forsyth.
Auscultation revealed crackles in the lower lung fields and dullness to percussion at the bases.
听诊显示下肺野有湿性罗音, 肺底叩诊呈浊音。
a percussion instrument with wooden bars tuned to produce a chromatic scale and with resonators.
Stone and jade chimes is an ancient Chinese percussion instrument that is played in an unique way.
For example, when the baby can grasp toys, percussion blow struck from time to time, triumphantly.
A symphony orchestra is composed of a variety of brass, woodwind, percussion stringed instruments.
The playing of percussion instrument is one of important ways for children to begin music learning.
The audience were spell-bound by his playing of percussion instruments accompanied with his singing.
Yongxin agency fire team, dragon and lion playing, bursts of percussion, Jingyuan throughout the land.
Occupational Bayin mass percussion classes and activities on the breeding cabinet Cantonese music is more direct.
The bamboo percussion instrument is well accepted by the general public because of its simple and popularized genre.
The right lower posterior chest showed dullness on percussion with moist rales at the end of inspiration on auscultation.
右后下胸部叩诊有浊音, 听诊于吸气未闻湿啰音
Suzhou opera originated from the narrative genre of talking and singing accompanied by stringed and percussion instruments.
The nerve cell apoptosis and attenuant effect through administering naloxone following fluid percussion brain injury in rats
Penetration Mechanism of DTH Percussion Compact Drilling and Experimental Research on Compact Bit; closed cell elastomeric insulation
Few of today's opera actors can sing"Shibuxian'erlianhuala" (a singing form accompanied by music on ten percussion instruments).
The percussion band has used"Ji Ji Feng" (quick and lively beats) of Beijing opera that displays tense, pressing and violent situations well.
The part calls for a solo violin, two oboes, two flutes, one English horn, Eflat clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, contrabassoon, horn, percussion, two harps and strings.
一如事物发展的规律有开始, 有高潮, 也有结尾。
Living things throve in Devonian strata of the nappe, and their species were numerous. APPLICATION OF ROTARY PERCUSSION DRILLING TECHNOLOGY IN REVERSE THRUST NAPPE STRUCTURE FORMATION
Shibuxianlianhualuo (a singing form accompanied by music on ten percussion instruments) is an old folk art form, which is generally performed before a comic dialogue to attract attention.

单词 percussion 释义

  • 单词释义:敲打,碰撞;振动;<音>打击乐器;[医]扣诊法  [更多..]



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