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单词 peach 例句大全,用单词peach造句:

Peach Blossomlike Face is an allegory which has pronounced symbolized color.
人面桃花是一部寓言, 具有浓重的象征意味。
Peach is a very close relation to Apricot and the oils are very similar too.
Refreshing acidity, full bodied with flavors of apricot, peach and pineapple.
清新的酸味中带有杏, 桃子和波萝的味道。
Dont know to namely to approve or nay, peach bloom immediately anew Leng once.
Peach child opened, apricot children down, flowering dates to eat steamed bun.
桃花儿开, 杏花儿落, 枣子开花吃馍馍。
In addition, peach pumpkins more sodium fewer patients appropriate edema fresh.
此外, 桃子含钾多, 含钠少, 适宜水肿患者食。
Face like a peach. Jung almond eyes. Fresh and delicate. Beautiful cherry mouth.
Peach Blossom Red than the fire is also red, Just like a burning flame from afar.
Among them a monkey breaks up particularly vigorously, ate many peach accordingly.
其中一只猴子翻得特别起劲, 因此吃到了不少桃子。
As the cavity of the fruit is found by aligning wheel, the peach ceases to rotate.
The main rootstocks used in production are raanchu cherry, kansu peach and apricot.
Rayon voile, cotton voile, mini matt, wool peach, peach koshibo, koshibo and so on.
Changes of Enzyme Activity during the Depositive Process of Lignin in Peach Endocarp
Study on the Advanced Blooming of Peach Seedlings Treated by Plant Growth Regulators
This is the first report on aster yellows phytoplasma affecting peach tree in China.
Closed one's eyes, tree as if already was full was the peach, the apricot, the pear!
闭了眼,树上仿佛已经满是桃儿 ,杏儿,梨儿!
Standard for Apricot, Peach and Pear Nectars Preserved Exclusively by Physical Means
杏蜜, 桃蜜和梨蜜标准采用物理方法保藏
Peach can also be processed into peach preserve, dry peach, peach butter and canned.
桃还可加工成桃脯, 桃干, 桃酱和罐头。
Chaulmoogra benevolence, almond, peach kernel still have the effect that kill insect.
Effect on Control Peach Aphid and Cabbage Caterpillar with Biological Insecticide QCk
Peach aldehyde has wonderful like iris sweet fragrance fat, a peach dilute fragrance.
Add this peach cream to champagne and sparkling wines to produce a delicious aperitif.
Study on Grafting Compatibility between Peach, Apricot, Plum and Kansu Peach Rootstock
furthermore, several fungicides are known to be phytotoxic when applied to peach trees.
此外, 已知的几种杀真菌剂对桃树具有植物毒性。
A Method for Extracting and Determining Anthocyanin From Peach Fruit and Its Application
桃果实中花青苷的提取, 检测及应用

单词 peach 释义

  • 单词释义:桃子;桃红色;极好的人(或物)  [更多..]



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